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发布时间:2018-02-01 11:29

  本文关键词: 遗产旅游 符号学 术语 翻译方法 出处:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着学科的发展,西方学科知识越来越多地引进中国。随之而来的是大量西方学术著作的引进,其中最关键的就是术语的翻译,它直接影响到学科理论的正确性。符号学这一源起于西方世界的理论正在蓬勃发展,近年来作为研究的新视角,又被运用于遗产旅游的研究中。遗产旅游和符号学的研究在国内都是新兴领域,而二者的结合更是遗产旅游的最新研究成果。目前,国内在符号学和旅游学科的研究已取得一定进展,这为本实践报告提供了理论支撑。但由学科的发展和结合而产生的新术语,以及尚未有统一译名的已有术语仍然有待讨论。本文作者以引进西方学术成果、丰富术语翻译实践为目的,翻译了 The Semiotics of Heritage Tourism的前三章,近3万字;借助现有翻译成果和理念,将其中术语分为三大类,即基础术语、非学术术语和多译名术语;并针对各类术语的不同文本特征和功能,提出了相应的词性转换、增译、既成事实法、新词创造法、模仿法、顺译法等翻译方法建议,以供未来翻译参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of disciplines, the knowledge of western disciplines has been introduced to China more and more, followed by the introduction of a large number of Western academic works, the most important of which is the translation of terms. Semiotics, which originated in the western world, is developing vigorously and has been regarded as a new angle of study in recent years. Heritage tourism and semiotics research are both emerging fields in China, and the combination of the two is the latest research results of heritage tourism. Some progress has been made in the study of semiotics and tourism in China, which provides theoretical support for this practical report. However, it is a new term produced by the development and combination of disciplines. The author of this paper aims to introduce western academic achievements and enrich the translation practice of terms. The first three chapters of The Semiotics of Heritage Tourism are translated into 30,000 words. With the help of the existing translation achievements and concepts, the terms are divided into three categories, namely, basic terms, non-academic terms and multi-translated terms. According to the different text features and functions of various terms, this paper puts forward the corresponding translation methods such as part-of-speech conversion, incremental translation, fait accompli method, neologism creation method, imitation method, and conformational translation method, so as to provide reference for future translation.


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