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发布时间:2018-02-09 00:34

  本文关键词: 高中英语 阅读课 视听教学 出处:《中国校外教育》2016年35期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In the course of reading teaching in senior high school, we should carry out English audio-visual teaching method to stimulate the interest of English learning, develop the ability of using English, arouse the motivation of learning, and fully arouse the enthusiasm. From the angle of constructivism theory and students' psychology, the audio-visual teaching method can create the learning atmosphere of the audiovisual situation and optimize the means and strategies of English reading teaching, which is based on the practice of English reading teaching in senior high school. To promote the improvement of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. In the teaching of English reading, teachers create a series of images of the class according to the reading materials, and make use of the audiovisual situation to make students form images in their minds. Arousing students' enthusiasm for learning, instructing students to understand English materials and use English in all directions, an English reading teaching method. Audiovisual method is to use English listening and speaking in specific situations. That is, using audio-visual means to develop the teaching method of English reading, and to develop students' reading ability. The audio-visual method, that is, the situational reading teaching method, takes listening and speaking as the center and has a moving picture or scene. Teachers can display the scene through the multimedia computer network. Students can learn quickly and use it well. "Audio-visual teaching method should be arranged according to grammatical structure and sentence pattern in English reading teaching." When teaching English reading in audiovisual teaching, we should pay attention to the order of teaching classes, easy to difficult, words from words to sentence patterns to text, and the words taught, Audio-visual teaching mainly refers to the use and creation of various audiovisual situations under the guidance of the English reading syllabus and textbooks to immerse students in natural or semi-natural English situations. Contact and input a large amount of English materials in natural or man-made audiovisual situations, express their English cognition in similar situations, express their understanding of English materials, and develop a cognitive or emotional exchange in mastering the use of English. In order to improve the students' reading ability, the audio-visual teaching method uses short audio-visual scenes, exercises English sentence patterns, and improves the use of English language, and notes that these exercises conform to a certain context, and these situations are determined by the needs of specific English reading materials.
【作者单位】: 江西省高安市高安二中;


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