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发布时间:2018-02-14 06:22

  本文关键词: 《废都》 文化负载词 目的论 葛浩文 出处:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Jia Pingao is a famous writer in Shaanxi and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. Representative works include impetuosity, Fei du, Qin Opera, etc. GE Haowen is a famous sinologist and enjoys a high reputation in translation. He is very interested in Chinese local literature, so he has translated most of Mo Yan's works. "Red Sorghum", "Milk Fat", "Wine country", "fatigue of Life and death", "punishment of sandalwood", etc. After the publication of "abandoned Capital" in -10s, it was translated into many languages. The English translation of Ruinder City, translated by Sinologist William Gehor, was published in the United States on January 2016. It was welcomed by readers. The purpose of this paper is to study the translation of culture-loaded words in the English translation of RuinedCity. According to Nida's classification criteria for culture-loaded words, the author classifies about 500 culture-loaded words into five categories. The author summarizes the translation methods commonly used in six books: literal translation, free translation, substitution, ellipsis, transliteration and cultural translation. The author analyzes these translation methods from the perspective of Skopos. Free translation and de-culture are the translation methods under the Skopos principle, literal translation and transliteration are the translation methods guided by the principle of faithfulness. Substitution and ellipsis are the translation methods guided by the coherence principle. Based on the Skopos theory, this paper studies the translation methods of culture-loaded words in Feidu. It gives us a sense of the guiding role of Skopos in translation. It also makes us fully aware that translators only have a good grasp of the culture carried by the two languages. In order to express the meaning of the original work, the translator should be a true "cultural person".


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