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发布时间:2018-02-14 12:17

  本文关键词: 翻译 层次转换 结构转换 类别转换 法律惊悚小说 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译报告,翻译素材来自美国畅销法律惊悚小说家菲利普·马戈林(Phillip Margolin)所著的《燃烧的人》(The Burning Man),笔者选取了该长篇法律惊悚小说的第二十章到第二十三章展开翻译实践。该小说悬念重重、情节曲折、扣人心弦,同时也让读者对美国的法律和刑罚制度有了初步的了解。本文通过对《燃烧的人》的汉译实践,对法律惊悚小说翻译提出一些自己的看法。很多西方翻译理论家都对翻译转换展开了研究,其中约翰·坎尼森·卡特福德的翻译理论影响较大。卡特福德在其著作《翻译的语言学理论》中提出了这一理论,他指出转换的方法是翻译实践最基本的方法。众多中国翻译研究学者在介绍西方翻译理论时,多数著作中采用卡特福德的翻译理论举例论证,由此可见在翻译研究层面,卡特福德翻译理论是有较高认可度的。该翻译报告对小说中四个章节的翻译展开分析,选取的章节中语言描写所比例比较大,且多为法庭质询对话,语言简洁凝练。该报告以卡特福德翻译转换理论为理论指导,探讨译文在词汇、句法、语法层面出现的层次转换、结构转换和类别转换三类主要现象。旨在其指导下找到较为理想的翻译方法,从而解决翻译中存在的问题,以此提高法律惊悚小说的翻译质量。该翻译报告由五个章节组成,其中第四章是重中之重。第四章着重结合翻译转换理论对三大类转换展开案例分析。通过本次翻译实践,笔者发现不同的翻译转换方法所呈现的效果是不同的,也会产生不一样的氛围和读者反应。因此,在翻译实践过程中,译者要重视原文与译文的转换,基于原作适当的尊重,尽力保留原文意图营造的氛围和制造的效果,同时要考虑读者的反应。
[Abstract]:This is a translation report. The translated material comes from the Burning Mann by Phillip Margolin, the best-selling legal thriller in the United States. The writer selects chapters 20th to 23th of the long legal thriller for translation practice. The plot is tortuous and gripping, and at the same time gives readers a preliminary understanding of the laws and penal systems of the United States. Put forward some views on the translation of legal thrillers. Many Western translation theorists have studied translation conversion. And John Canison Catford's translation theory, which was put forward by Cartford in his book, Translation Linguistics, He pointed out that the method of translation is the most basic method of translation practice. In introducing western translation theories, many Chinese translation scholars use Catford's translation theory as an example, which shows that it is at the level of translation studies. Catford's translation theory has a high degree of recognition. The translation report analyzes the translation of the four chapters of the novel. The report, guided by Catford's translation theory, explores the hierarchical transformations that occur at the lexical, syntactic and grammatical levels of the translation. There are three kinds of main phenomena: structural transformation and category conversion. The purpose of this translation report is to find an ideal translation method to solve the problems existing in translation and to improve the quality of translation of legal thriller novels. The translation report consists of five chapters. Among them, 4th chapters are the most important. Chapter 4th focuses on the case study of three major types of translation combined with translation translation theory. Through this translation practice, the author finds that the effects of different translation methods are different. Therefore, in the process of translation, the translator should pay attention to the conversion between the original text and the target text, based on the proper respect of the original work, and try to preserve the atmosphere and effect created by the original text. At the same time, consider the reader's reaction.


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