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发布时间:2018-02-14 13:31

  本文关键词: 英语学习信念 高中生 学习水平 性别 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本研究主要是探索高中生英语学习的整体信念和英语学习信念是否存在学习水平和性别差异的问题。研究工具由两部分组成,其一是略加改编的BALLI问卷表外加一道开放式问题,其二是访谈。实验对象是118名来自修水县一中高二年级的学生。学生来自同一个县,接受同样的教育课程和有着同样的教育水平。本研究采用定性和定量数据分析。频率,标准差和曼-惠特尼检验属于定量研究。此外,内容分析用于分析学生对于开放式问题和访谈的回答,以此进一步调查学生对英语学习的理解。 本研究发现高中生持有各种不同的英语学习信念,但是也持有部分相似英语学习信念。大部分学生都认同纯正发音,重复和练习以及学习英语的特殊能力的重要性,但对于自己拥有这种学习英语的特殊能力持有不同的意见。尽管一半学生认为英语是一门难学的语言,但是他们却有着强烈的学习英语的动力。他们也相信优秀的英语能力能确保好工作,且超过一半学生表达想结交外国朋友的意愿。他们同样相信读写英语比说和理解英语更容易。研究还发现学习者的英语学习信念存在学习水平和性别的差异。高低成就学习者在14个BALLI项上表现出显著性差异,男女学习者在13个BALLI项表现出显著性差异。例如,高学习成就者比低学习成就者更相信自己学习英语的能力并且更重视发音和用CD或磁带练习英语。女性学习者比男性学习者更相信自己学习英语的能力并且表达更强的想结识外国朋友的动机和期望。另外,女性学习者有更强的学好英语的动力和期待。 基于本研究的发现,为语言学习者和语言教师提供了一些教育性启示。首先,确认学生的英语学习信念以及学习信念对学习成就的潜在影响,这些对学生和教师都具有重大意义。其次,语言教师在备课时,应该考虑到学习者的学习水平差异和性别差异,以期相应地调整他们的教学方法以满足学生的需要和期待。最后,语言教师应该帮助学生树立和发展积极实际的语言学习信念。此外,本研究的局限性和为进一步研究提供的建议也在随后阐述了。本研究旨在探究中国县城环境下的高中生英语学习的信念,试图以此来填补该研究领域一个微小但重要的空缺,并为以汉语为母语的二语或外语学习者的学习信念研究做出绵薄贡献。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to explore whether there are differences in learning level and gender between the overall beliefs of senior high school students and the beliefs in English learning. The research tools consist of two parts. One is a slightly adapted BALLI questionnaire with an open question. The second is interview. The subjects were 118 students from Xiushui County, Grade two of Grade one Middle School. The students came from the same county, received the same education courses and had the same educational level. This study used qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The standard deviation and Mann-Whitney test belong to the quantitative research. In addition, the content analysis is used to analyze the students' answers to open questions and interviews, so as to further investigate the students' understanding of English learning. This study found that high school students hold different beliefs in English learning, but also hold similar beliefs in English learning. Most students agree on the importance of pure pronunciation, repetition and practice, as well as the special ability to learn English. But there are different opinions about having this special ability to learn English. Although half of the students think English is a difficult language, But they have a strong motivation to learn English. They also believe that good English skills can ensure a good job. And more than half of the students expressed their desire to make foreign friends. They also believed that reading and writing English was easier than speaking and understanding English. The study also found that learners' English learning beliefs had high learning level and gender differences. Low achievement learners showed significant differences in 14 BALLI items. Male and female learners showed significant differences in 13 BALLI items. For example, High achievers are more confident in their ability to learn English than those with low achievement and pay more attention to pronunciation and practice on CDs or tapes. Female learners are more convinced of their ability to learn English and express themselves than male learners. Stronger motives and expectations for meeting foreign friends. In addition, Female learners have more motivation and expectation to learn English well. Based on the findings of the present study, some pedagogical implications are provided for language learners and language teachers. Firstly, we confirm students' English learning beliefs and their potential impact on learning achievement. This is of great significance to both students and teachers. Secondly, language teachers should take into account the differences in learners' learning level and gender when preparing lessons. Finally, language teachers should help students establish and develop positive and practical beliefs in language learning. The limitations of this study and the suggestions for further study are also discussed. The purpose of this study is to explore the beliefs of senior high school students in the context of county towns in China in order to fill a small but important gap in this field. And make a modest contribution to the study of learning beliefs of second language or foreign language learners using Chinese as their mother tongue.


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