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发布时间:2018-02-16 19:12

  本文关键词: 时尚 现代主义 埃里克·萨蒂 伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基 出处:《上海音乐学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:玛丽·E.戴维斯的《古典时髦:音乐、时尚与现代主义》是一部探究音乐、时尚与现代主义关系的学术著作。此书集中探讨了 1900至1925年间以巴黎为核心的欧洲文化界的思潮与艺术风貌。全书共由七章组成,分别关注了时尚设计师保罗·波烈、热尔曼·邦加尔、可可·香奈儿以及时尚杂志《风尚杂志》、《名利场》和《时尚》,书中详细地叙述了音乐现代主义与时尚杂志、服装设计师、各类艺术家的密切关联和相互影响。音乐中的现代主义与其他艺术门类的相互关系一直是学界的关注焦点,然而,时尚这一特殊领域在跨学科的现代主义研究中的重要意义却在很大程度上被忽略了。无疑,戴维斯的《古典时髦:音乐、时尚与现代主义》很好的弥补了这一缺失。作者通过丰富的历史资料,以及对这些资料的阐释,证明了上流社会的"时尚王国"及其艺术思潮对音乐现代主义的形成与发展具有极其重要的推动作用。这部学术专著所呈现的独特视角和个性化的文化解读促使人们再思20世纪初形成音乐现代主义的文化氛围和多种艺术间互相渗透与不断发展的历史意义与人文内涵。书评主要论述了四个方面的问题:什么是时尚?时尚和音乐现代主义的关系;本书的写作特点与它的内容和写作引起的争议;对国内外相关研究所产生的启示和影响。最后,译者对自己的翻译心得和相关问题进行了简要的说明。
[Abstract]:"Classical Fashion: music, Fashion and Modernism" by Mary E. Davis is an exploratory music. Academic work on the relationship between fashion and modernism. This book focuses on the trends of thought and art in the European cultural world, with Paris at its core between 1900 and 1925. It consists of seven chapters, focusing on fashion designer Paul Polly. German Bungar, Coco Chanel and the fashion magazine Fashion Magazine, Vanity Fair, and Fashion, the book details music modernism and fashion magazines, fashion designers. The relationship between modernism in music and other art categories has been the focus of attention in the academic world, however, The significance of this particular area of fashion in the interdisciplinary study of modernism is largely overlooked. No doubt, Davis's "Classical Fashion: music," Fashion and Modernism makes up for this deficiency. The author uses a wealth of historical data and interpretation of these materials. It proves that the "fashion kingdom" of the upper class society and its artistic trend of thought play an extremely important role in promoting the formation and development of music modernism. The unique visual angle and individualized cultural interpretation of this academic monograph promote the formation and development of music modernism. In 20th century, people think about the cultural atmosphere of musical modernism and the historical significance and humanistic connotation of the mutual penetration and continuous development of various arts. The book review mainly discusses four questions: what is fashion? The relationship between fashion and musical modernism; the characteristics of the book's writing and the controversy caused by its content and writing; the enlightenment and influence on the relevant research at home and abroad. The translator gives a brief account of his translation experience and related problems.


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