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发布时间:2018-02-25 01:04

  本文关键词: 非文学翻译 政论翻译 系统翻译程序 功能对等原则 出处:《鲁东大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of western political theories, the translation of English and Chinese political texts has also developed by leaps and bounds. However, due to the partial emphasis on translation practice by some translators, the application of existing translation theories (procedures and principles) has been neglected. As a result of the various stages of the translation process and the arbitrary organization of each step as well as the functional inadequacies of the translation results, there are many problems in the practice of political text translation up to now. Recently, great progress has been made in the study of political translation. A number of relevant practical reports and studies have emerged. However, these reports and studies often ignore the application of existing translation theories and fail to systematically examine or grasp political translation, which is of little significance to the practice of political translation. Based on Jia Zhengzhuan's systematic translation procedure and Nida's principle of functional equivalence in translation, this report adopts a theory-based case study method. This paper gives a systematic description and analysis of the practical process and results of English-Chinese translation of "weapon system and political Stability", a political text written by the author himself. Based on the systematic translation procedure, this report describes and analyzes the practical process of political translation. It is found that the writer has dealt with the pretranslation preparation, the understanding of the original text and the expression of the translation sufficiently and reasonably. The interrelationship among the four stages of post-translation makes the whole translation process complete and well organized from its main stage level; however, the author fails to strictly abide by the overall grasp and environmental relevance in most stages of the translation process. The four steps of internal management and process implementation make the whole translation process lack sufficient systematization or integrity at the level of its main steps. Based on the principle of functional equivalence, this report describes and perspective the author's translation practice, and finds out that the author tries to observe the principle of functional equivalence through the use of various translation techniques at the textual level. As a result of translation practice, the text of the translated text is fluent, and the function of the translation is similar to that of the original text; however, the author is not in the sentence. At the lower level of the translation of words and phrases, we strive to strictly implement the principle of functional equivalence through various appropriate translation techniques, so that the target text can be used in the sentence. This practice report is expected to have some practical value and theoretical significance. As far as translation practice is concerned, the findings of this report show that we want to achieve the success of political translation. In the process of translation, the translator should adhere to the principle of functional equivalence by applying appropriate translation methods or techniques. The theoretical basis adopted in this report and its descriptive and analytical methods based on established theories will help to make up for the theoretical and methodological deficiencies in political translation and even in the practice of non-literary translation as a whole.


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