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发布时间:2018-02-26 11:33

  本文关键词: 艾德里安娜·里奇 女性诗人 功能对等 散文翻译 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on C-E translation. The translation project selected came from an essay by Adriana Ritchie, the contemporary American feminist poet, "the Human Eye: art in Society": "Muriel Rukezer of 21th century" and "on lies." "the Vesuvius at Home: the Power of Emily Dickinson, 1975." these two essays are written mainly by addressing Muriel Rukezer and Emily Dickinson, two American female poets. Introduction and comment on life and poetry, Reflecting Ritchie's quest for freedom, equality, and lesbianism. She believes women have the right to participate in politics and the freedom to choose to live a plain life. With the rise of American women in the late 1970s, By describing the life of two different female poets and commenting on their poems, Ritchie shows how, in the patriarchal environment, female poets express their inner yearning for freedom and equality through poetry. Ritchie also expressed her definition of lesbianism. Under the background that Chinese scholars are still paying great attention to the issue of gender identity, translation and study of Ritchie's works will help people to face up to the personal, social and cultural identity of women. In terms of the translation practice of these two essays, according to Nida's functional equivalence theory, the author selects some important and difficult sentences to analyze from two aspects: vocabulary and sentence. According to the characteristics of both Chinese and English, different translation strategies are used. In translation, the author finds that the background of the original text and the author's style should be understood on the basis of the characteristics of prose translation. In order to make sure that the translation is accurate, fluent and more acceptable to the local readers, we should look up more information and the network of words and sentences in doubt, and read through the translation again and again to ensure the accuracy and fluency of the translation.


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