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发布时间:2018-02-28 12:31

  本文关键词: 翻译项目报告 《实验儿童心理学杂志》 目的论 翻译策略 出处:《安徽大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告,翻译项目的原文选自著名的心理学期刊《实验儿童心理学杂志》(Journal of Experimental Child Psychology),该杂志主要刊载儿童行为的心理实验性研究论文和札记。此项目报告节选了该杂志2016年第141期101-120页的一篇文章,标题为《儿童的语言和认知能力对理解口语叙事文本(听力理解)的直接和间接影响》[Direct and mediated effects of language and cognitive skills on comprehension of oral narrative texts (listening comprehension) for children]。原文主要通过实验论证的方法研究了听力理解所运用的基本认知能力(工作记忆和注意力)、基本语言能力(词汇和语法知识)以及高阶认知能力(推理、心理理论和理解监控)之间的直接和间接关系。本项目在目的论的指导下,运用了增译法、转化法、意译法和拆分重组法等策略对翻译过程中遇到的重难点问题进行了相应的处理,力求充分表达原作者的思想,从而使目标语读者更好地理解文本内容,加深对儿童的语言和认知能力对听力理解影响的认识。通过此次翻译实践,笔者深刻体会到翻译理论的指导作用,以及译前准备工作的重要性,尤其是对背景知识的了解。此外,笔者还认识到,在翻译过程中需要认真负责,坚持不懈,然后再对译文进行反复的修改,只有这样才能保证译文的质量。
[Abstract]:This is a translation project report, The original text of the translation project is taken from the famous journal of Experimental Child psychology. The journal contains experimental papers and notes on children's behavior. The project report excerpted from the journal 2016. An article on pages 141 101-120, Direct and mediated effects of language and cognitive skills on comprehension of narrative texts listening comprehension for children. The basic cognitive abilities used in listening comprehension (working memory and attention, basic language skills (lexical and grammatical knowledge) and high-level cognitive abilities (reasoning) are investigated. The direct and indirect relationship between psychological theory and understanding monitoring. Some strategies, such as free translation and split recombination, deal with the important and difficult problems encountered in the process of translation so as to fully express the original author's ideas so that the target readers can better understand the content of the text. Through this translation practice, the author has a deep understanding of the guiding role of translation theory and the importance of pre-translation preparation. In addition, the author also recognizes that in the process of translation, we need to be responsible, persevere, and then revise the translation repeatedly, which is the only way to ensure the quality of the translation.


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2 本报记者 林志文 通讯员 黄卫平;大爱同行,广东妇联扶贫助困在行动[N];中国妇女报;2013年

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