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发布时间:2018-02-28 19:56

  本文关键词: 自称语 身份建构 学术摘要写作 出处:《中北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,对于身份建构的研究一直是一个热门话题。特定语境中的语言使用在身份建构中起着重要的作用。语言使用中的身份建构越来越受到学者们的关注。但中国非英语专业学生在学术论文摘要写作中的身份建构的特点,目前尚未被探讨。本文是一项针对中国社会科学专业研究生和国际学者撰写的英文摘要中自称语的使用情况和作者身份建构的对比研究。笔者收集了45篇来自3所“985”高校的管理学,教育学和心理学专业硕士研究生毕业论文的英文摘要,共21,816字符;同领域8个SSCI期刊中由国际学者撰写的90篇摘要,共15,854字符,自建了两个英文摘要语料库。研究问题如下:1)中国社科专业学生对自称语的使用有何特征?2)根据Flottum对作者身份的分类(研究者、作者、观点持有者、评价者),两个语料库中的作者分别构建了何种身份?3)中国社科专业学生构建的作者身份有何特征?参照Hyland对自称语的分类,从第一人称代词,第三人称名词和抽象名词三个方面通过Ant Conc进行检索,并使用频数标准化和卡方检验对比分析检索结果,主要研究结果如下:1)自称语在两个语料库中的使用频率非常高,中国社会科学专业研究生在论文摘要中使用自称语的频数标准化数据为每万字99次,而国际学者使用自称语的频数标准化数据为每万字137次,卡方检验结果为11.5852,p值小于0.05存在显著性差异。2)第三人称名词在两个语料库中的使用频率最低。就第一人称代词的使用情况来说,中国社会科学专业学生更倾向于使用第一人称复数代词来构建他们的作者身份,以减少他们的作者参与度和被批评的风险,而国际学者倾向于使用第一人称单数代词I来构建作者身份,以此突出他们在研究中的个人贡献。相较于第一人称而言,中国社会科学专业的学生更频繁使用paper,study,research等抽象名词,而国际学者更频繁使用第一人称代词。3)经检测,Flottum定义的四个作者身份均出现于两个语料库,并且没有其他身份出现。两个语料库中的作家构建最多的作者身份是“研究者”,此外,中国社会科学专业学生也经常构建“作者”的身份。这些研究结果表明,中国社会科学专业学生比国际学者更注重团体学术贡献。而国际学者更倾向于在论文摘要中强调个人观点。
[Abstract]:In recent years, The study of identity construction has always been a hot topic. Language use in specific context plays an important role in identity construction. The identity construction in language use has been paid more and more attention by scholars. But China is not English. The characteristics of identity construction of language majors in abstract writing of academic papers, This paper is a contrastive study on the use of self-proclaimed language and the construction of author's identity in the English abstract written by Chinese social science graduate students and international scholars. The author has collected 45 articles from three parts. The management of the "985" colleges and universities, English abstract of graduate thesis of master's degree in education and psychology, 21,816 characters, 90 abstracts written by international scholars in 8 SSCI journals in the same field, 15,854 characters, Two English Abstracts Corpus have been built. The research questions are as follows: 1) what are the characteristics of the use of self-proclaimed language by Chinese social science majors? 2) according to the classification of author's identity by Flottum (researcher, author, viewpoint holder, evaluator / evaluator), what kind of identity have been constructed by the authors in the two corpora? 3) what are the characteristics of the author's identity constructed by Chinese social science students? Referring to the classification of self-proclaimed words by Hyland, the retrieval results are analyzed by Ant Conc from three aspects: first personal pronouns, third-person nouns and abstract nouns, and the frequency standardization and chi-square test are used to analyze the retrieval results. The main results are as follows: (1) the frequency of using self-proclaimed language in the two corpora is very high. The frequency standardized data of self-proclaimed language used by Chinese social science graduate students in the abstract of the thesis is 99 times per 10,000 words. And international scholars use standardized frequency data for self-proclaimed words 137 times per 10,000 words. The results of chi-square test showed that there was significant difference in the value of 11.5852p < 0.05) the third person nouns were used the least frequently in the two corpora. Chinese social science students are more likely to use first-person plural pronouns to construct their authorship, in order to reduce their participation and risk of criticism. International scholars tend to use the first person singular pronoun I as an author to highlight their personal contribution to the study. Compared with the first person, Chinese social science students use abstract nouns such as paper study and research more frequently. International scholars use the first person pronoun. 3) the four authors defined by Flottum appear in two corpus. And there is no other identity. The authors of the two corpora are most likely to be "researchers," and Chinese social science students often build the identity of "authors." these results show that, Chinese social science students pay more attention to group academic contribution than international scholars, while international scholars tend to emphasize personal views in their abstracts.


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