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发布时间:2018-02-28 20:11

  本文关键词: 产品验收手册 技术文本 翻译 生态翻译学 三维转换 出处:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This report is based on the author's translation practice in the Communications Technology Company, and under the guidance of Hu Gengshen's ecological translation theory, it takes the product acceptance manual as the research object. In the process of translation acceptance manual, the author often finds the following problems: language dimension, single plural irregular, temporal irregular. Too many passive sentences, too many verbs with weak semantics; cultural dimension, information redundancy, information repetition, not meeting the requirements of internationalization, etc.; in the communicative dimension, the text is not correct, and the steps and results are mixed together. Lack of necessary contextual information. In view of the language normative, cultural neutrality and practicability of the acceptance manual, the author bases his theory on "Translation is adaptation and Choice" by Professor Hu Gengshen. Under the guidance of the principle of technical writing, this paper puts forward some solutions: at the linguistic level, the verb with active voice and strong semantics is used in the language level, and the redundant information is deleted and repeated information is merged. At the communicative level, we adopt the methods of rewriting, separating steps and results, and increasing necessary information.


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