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发布时间:2018-02-28 22:16

  本文关键词: 忠实性 创造性 绝对忠实 创造性叛逆 创造性忠实 出处:《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》2016年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Creative faithfulness is the pursuit of a relative balance between the translation and the original in terms of thought, content and form, within the framework of faithfulness to the original work, and to give full play to the translator's subjectivity and creativity on the basis of respect for the original work. The core of it is to embody creation in faithfulness and to pursue faithfulness in creation.The understanding of the relationship between faithfulness and creativity in translation circles in China has gone through a long process, and in general has gone through a budding period. Historically, scholars' discussions on faithfulness and creativity in translation have not stopped. In fact, translation is a kind of "limited art", which must be carried out within a certain social and cultural regulation, while some of them tend to "absolute faithfulness" by overemphasizing the faithfulness of translation, while others over-emphasize the creativity of translation and become creative rebellious.
【作者单位】: 西南石油大学外国语学院;
【基金】:四川省科技厅软科学课题“基于语料库的中外石油天然气类英语学术语篇的言据性研究”(2015ZR0156) 西南石油大学教学课题“对比语言学视域下的研究生英语翻译教学研究与实践”(2016JXYJ-38)


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9 李慧s,




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