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发布时间:2018-03-01 11:46

  本文关键词: 酒文化翻译 认知翻译学 《牡丹亭》 出处:《江南大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:酒作为一种物质文化,其发展历程与经济发展史同步,而酒又不仅仅是一种食物,它还具有精神文化价值。酒文化包括制酒、饮酒以及酒的功能及历史,等等。中国酒文化的历史可谓源远流长,是中国传统文化必不可少的一部分。中国酒在工艺、历史、质量上比世界其他国家的酒都要复杂多样,但是在世界上却没有享有很高的声誉。翻译是不同国家之间文化交流的一种重要方式,尽管酒文化翻译研究十分必要,但是酒文化的翻译研究仍然不多。因此很有必要对此进行更多的研究从而更好地向世界传播中国酒文化。本文所研究的酒文化是指狭义上的酒文化。传统翻译理论认为翻译仅仅是语言符号的转化,而认知翻译学认为翻译是体验和认知的产物,翻译不仅是一种重要的语言交际活动还是一种重要的认知活动。本文以认知翻译学为主要理论框架,该理论有六个重要的翻译原则,即翻译的体验性、创造性、互动性、语篇性、和谐性和翻译所体现的两个世界。在这六个原则当中体验性原则,创造性原则和互动性原则是最有价值的,也是本文理论框架的主干部分。本文旨在从认知翻译学的角度,研究《牡丹亭》中酒文化的英语翻译问题。本论文采取定量和定性相结合的方法。汤显祖是明代戏曲家,《牡丹亭》是他的代表作。《牡丹亭》歌颂了杜丽娘和柳梦梅的爱情故事,表达了追求自由,反对专制的愿望。已有大多数对《牡丹亭》的翻译研究集中于隐喻、唱词、文化和审美等,很少有人专门研究过其中的酒文化。然而,研究《牡丹亭》中的酒文化有利于提高翻译能力,传播中国酒文化,提高其国际地位并且促进相互交流。《牡丹亭》中的酒文化包括酒名,酒具,饮酒动作,醉酒状态等。本文从《牡丹亭》原文中选取了57个体现酒文化的例子,并从汪荣培、张光前和Cyril Birch三位译者的译本中选取了对应的英文表达作为研究的语料。定量研究是比较三位译者的翻译策略和翻译风格。定性研究是通过运用认知翻译学的原则揭示三位译者不同的认知差异和中西方酒文化的差异。研究发现由两部分组成。首先,翻译不仅仅是语言符号之间的转换,体现了不同文化的认知特点。就体验性原则而言,汪榕培和张光前较好地表现了体验性原则,因为两位译者都是中国人,对源语言有很好的理解力。就互动性原则而言,Cyril Birch比其他译者较好地运用了互动性原则,所以他的翻译外国人易于理解。就创造性原则而言,张光前较好地运用了创造性原则,他的翻译多样化且生动。其次,三位译者均使用了直译和意译等不同的翻译方法,汪荣培和张光前使用直译较多,Cyril Birch使用意译较多。直译和意译在翻译过程中互为补充。三位译者还采用了其它的翻译策略,比如省译、替代和音译。希望通过对酒文化的翻译对比分析,增进对酒文化的认识,提高翻译技巧,传播中国文化。
[Abstract]:As a kind of material culture, the development of wine is synchronized with the history of economic development, and wine is not only a kind of food, but also has spiritual and cultural value. Wine culture includes making wine, drinking alcohol, and the function and history of wine. And so on. The history of Chinese wine culture has a long history and is an indispensable part of Chinese traditional culture. Chinese wine is more complicated and diverse in technology, history and quality than other countries in the world. Translation is an important way of cultural exchange among different countries, although the study of wine culture translation is very necessary. However, there is still not much research on the translation of wine culture. Therefore, it is necessary to do more research on it so as to better spread Chinese wine culture to the world. The wine culture studied in this paper refers to the wine culture in a narrow sense. Translation is only the transformation of language symbols. Cognitive translatology holds that translation is the product of experience and cognition, and translation is not only an important communicative activity but also an important cognitive activity. There are six important translation principles in this theory, namely, experiential, creative, interactive, textual, harmonious and translation. The creative principle and the interactive principle are the most valuable and the backbone of the theoretical framework of this thesis. This thesis adopts a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Tang Xianzu is a opera artist in the Ming Dynasty, and Peony Pavilion is his masterpiece. The Peony Pavilion sings the love story of du Liniang and Liu Mengmei. Most of the translation studies of Peony Pavilion have focused on metaphor, singing, culture and aesthetics, and few people have studied the wine culture. The study of the wine culture in Peony Pavilion is helpful to improve the translation ability, spread the Chinese wine culture, enhance its international status and promote mutual communication. In this paper, 57 examples of wine culture are selected from the original text of Peony Pavilion, and from Wang Rongpei, In the translation of Zhang Guangqian and Cyril Birch, the corresponding English expressions are selected as the corpus of the study. The quantitative study is to compare the translation strategies and translation styles of the three translators. The qualitative study is based on the use of the original of cognitive translatology. It reveals the different cognitive differences among the three translators and the differences between Chinese and Western wine cultures. Translation is not only a transformation of language symbols, but also a reflection of the cognitive characteristics of different cultures. In terms of experiential principles, Wang Rongpei and Zhang Guangqian have better demonstrated the experiential principle because both translators are Chinese. He has a good understanding of the source language. In terms of the principle of interaction, Cyril Birch has applied the principle of interaction better than other translators, so his translation is easy for foreigners to understand. In terms of creative principles, Zhang Guangqian has better applied the principle of creativity. His translation is diverse and vivid. Secondly, all three translators use different translation methods, such as literal translation and free translation. Wang Rongpei and Zhang Guangqian use more free translation than Cyril Birch. Literal translation and free translation complement each other in the process of translation. The three translators also adopt other translation strategies, such as saving translation. The author hopes to improve the understanding of wine culture, improve translation skills and spread Chinese culture through the contrastive analysis of wine culture.


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