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发布时间:2018-03-03 09:10

  本文选题:模糊语言 切入点:翻译美学 出处:《西安理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:模糊性是人类自然语言的基本特征,世界上任何一种语言,无论是口语,或者是书面语,都存在模糊性。从广义上来说,模糊语言指语言中的模糊性。从狭义上来说,模糊语言指具体的模糊词语或表达。文学作品中,尤其是中国文学作品,由于特殊的语用和修辞审美需要,模糊语言的使用更为频繁。作为与诗歌,小说和戏剧并列的四大文学体裁之一,中国散文具有悠久的历史和极高的审美价值。但相对于其它文学体裁而言,国内相关学者对散文的翻译研究还不够深入,尤其是中国现代散文。张培基教授的《英译中国现代散文选》(共四辑)几乎囊括了“五·四运动”以来一大批优秀青年知识分子的代表性作品,一直受到国内外翻译界的好评,不仅为中国翻译研究者提供了丰富的参考和借鉴,也为西方学者了解中国历史文化提供了大量的素材,值得进行深入研究。故本文的个案研究从对《英译中国现代散文选》——The Selected Modern Chinese Essays 的文本分析展开。翻译美学是一门结合了翻译和美学的新学科,致力于研究文学翻译中的审美再现,帮助译者了解翻译过程中审美再现的一般规律,从而创造出具有审美价值的译文。刘宓庆的翻译美学理论,将语言的意义详细划分为三个结构层级,并且十分重视语境和想象力在翻译过程中发挥的作用,为研究文学作品中模糊语言的翻译提供了十分有益的视角。按照模糊语言产生的层面,《英译中国现代散文选》中的模糊语言可以划分为四大类:语言层面(数词,模糊限制词,连续客体的词)、修辞层面(明喻,隐喻,拟人,排比)、文化层面(文化负载词,与历史、宗教相关的表达)、审美层面(抽象词,叠词,四字成语)。根据刘宓庆的翻译美学理论,意义可以划分为三个结构层级:本体结构层,社会结构层和功能结构层。本文以《英译中国现代散文选》(一辑和二辑)为研究对象,从翻译美学的视角分析《英译中国现代散文选》中模糊语言在三个意义结构层级上的翻译方法,进而探讨翻译美学理论为中国现代散文中模糊语言的翻译所带来的启示。研究发现,将语言的意义划分为不同的结构层级,对译者在翻译过程中理解与再现模糊语言的含义十分有益。同时,对不同意义结构层级上的模糊语言进行再现时,译者需要灵活采用不同的翻译方法。此外,在模糊语言的翻译过程中语境和想象力发挥着十分重要的作用。本文的研究表明,刘宓庆的翻译美学理论对中国现代散文中模糊语言的翻译具有较大的指导作用。
[Abstract]:Fuzziness is the basic characteristic of human natural language. Any language in the world, whether spoken or written, has fuzziness. In broad sense, fuzzy language refers to fuzziness in language. Vague language refers to specific vague words or expressions. In literary works, especially in Chinese literature, the use of vague language is more frequent due to the special aesthetic needs of pragmatics and rhetoric. As one of the four literary genres, Chinese prose has a long history and high aesthetic value. However, relative to other literary genres, the translation studies of prose by domestic scholars are not deep enough. In particular, Chinese modern prose. Professor Zhang Peiji's selected works of Modern Chinese Prose Translation into English (four series in all) almost include the representative works of a large number of outstanding young intellectuals since the May 4th Movement, and have been praised by the translation circles both at home and abroad. It not only provides a rich reference for Chinese translation researchers, but also provides a lot of material for western scholars to understand Chinese history and culture. Therefore, the case study of this thesis is based on the text analysis of the Selected Modern Chinese Essays. Translation aesthetics is a new subject combining translation and aesthetics. Devoted to the study of aesthetic reproduction in literary translation, helps the translator to understand the general rules of aesthetic reproduction in the process of translation, thus creating a translation with aesthetic value. The meaning of language is divided into three levels in detail, and the role of context and imagination in the process of translation is attached great importance to. It provides a very useful perspective for the study of the translation of fuzzy language in literary works. According to the level of fuzzy language production, the fuzzy language in selected Chinese Modern Prose into English can be divided into four categories: linguistic level (numerals, fuzzy restricted words). The lexical level of continuous object (metaphor, metaphor, personification, parallelism, cultural level (culture-loaded words, expressions related to history and religion), aesthetic level (abstract words, overlapping words, four-character idioms). According to Liu Mi-qing 's translation aesthetics theory, Meaning can be divided into three levels: ontological structure, social structure and functional structure. From the perspective of translation aesthetics, this paper analyzes the translation methods of vague language in the three levels of meaning structure in the selected works of Modern Chinese Prose Translation into English. Furthermore, this paper explores the implications of translation aesthetics for the translation of vague languages in modern Chinese prose, and finds that the meaning of language is divided into different levels of structure. It is very helpful for the translator to understand and reproduce the meaning of fuzzy language in the process of translation. At the same time, the translator should adopt different translation methods flexibly when reproducing fuzzy language at different meaning structure levels. Context and imagination play an important role in the translation of vague language. The present study shows that Liu Miqing's translation aesthetics theory has a great guiding effect on the translation of vague language in modern Chinese prose.


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2 杨轶芳;从译者主体性看模糊语言的翻译[D];中南大学;2009年

3 赖晓鹏;从翻译美学的角度看张培基《英译中国现代散文选》(三辑)的审美再现[D];华中师范大学;2009年

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