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发布时间:2018-03-03 17:52

  本文选题:预制语块 切入点:英语写作水平 出处:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在英语四大技能:听、说、读、写中,学生的写作水平是衡量其英语水平的重要标杆之一。然而经过作者的观察,非英语专业的学生在写作方面非常薄弱。导致这一现象的原因有很多,但是最关键的一点在于,教师在教授写作的过程中所使用的传统教学模式。在传统的课堂中,教师主要是通过讲解单词的模式帮助学生去积累词汇,以此来提高学生的写作能力。但是在这种情况下,学生写出的句子都是支离破碎、不连贯的。近年来,随着对预制语块的研究不断加深,人们发现,预制语块在写作中扮演着重要作用,为英语写作教学提供了新的方向。本文以NattingerDeCarrico的预制语块分类法(1992)为基础,以Michael Lewis(1993)的语块教学法为指导,通过辨别,输入,练习,巩固,积累和输出这些步骤为切入点,来帮助非英语专业的学生掌握预制语块并运用于写作当中。在具体的研究过程中,作者采用前后测试和问卷、定性与定量相结合的方式来分析预制语块在写作教学中的作用,力求研究的客观与准确,也为英语写作教学提供一些建议,使更多的学生受益。本研究旨在调查,随着预制语块在写作教学过程中的应用,非英语专业学生的写作水平和语块水平会发生什么变化?作文中使用的语块数量是否也会随之发生变化?另外,在四大类预制语块中,哪一种对写作水平的提升贡献最大?这一问题也会被进一步探讨,具体的研究问题如下:1.预制语块的应用将会对非英语专业学生的语块水平和写作水平产生什么影响?2.如果学生的写作水平有所提高,那么在作文中运用的预制语块的数量有什么变化?哪一种语块类型对写作水平的提高贡献最大?3.在预制语块的教学实验之后,学生对于这一方法的态度是什么?会给我们的教学带来什么启示?本实验选择笔者任教的山西大学商务学院15级旅游管理专业的两个班作为参与者,人数分别为41和45。在教学方法上,实验班采用以预制语块为特色的语言教学法,控制班采用传统的教学法,以单词语法的讲授为主。在实验前后,会对学生进行语块和写作水平测试,并将测试结果用SPSS进行数据分析,在实验结束之后,实验班的学生还会进行一次问卷调查,结合调查结果得出以下结论:预制语块在教学过程中的应用可以提高学生的语块水平和写作水平,随着写作水平的提高,实验班学生的作文中语块的数量也随之提高。在四大类别的语块中,句子构造成分对写作水平的贡献最大。在实验结束后,学生对于预制语块持积极态度,希望在以后的教学中可以继续使用。同时在研究的最后,对预制语块教学和未来研究的建议也被提出。事实上,与本研究相关的理论研究在国内并不少见。但是本研究的独特之处在于,以实证为手段的预制语块和写作水平相关性研究有利于理解预制语块在写作中的实际应用,而不仅仅停留于理论层面。
[Abstract]:In the four English skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, the students' writing level is one of the important benchmarks to measure their English proficiency. Non-English majors are very weak in writing. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but the most important point is the traditional teaching mode used by teachers in the process of teaching writing. Teachers mainly help students to accumulate vocabulary by explaining words, so as to improve students' writing ability. But in this case, the sentences written by students are fragmented and inconsistent in recent years. With the deepening of the study of prefabricated chunks, it is found that prefabricated chunks play an important role in writing and provide a new direction for the teaching of English writing. This paper is based on NattingerDeCarrico's classification of prefabricated chunks (1992). Guided by Michael Lewis 1993, we help non-English majors master prefabricated chunks and apply them to writing by identifying, inputting, practicing, consolidating, accumulating and outputting these steps. The author analyzes the role of prefabricated lexical chunks in writing teaching by means of pre-and post-test and questionnaire, qualitative and quantitative analysis, in order to make the research objective and accurate, and provide some suggestions for the teaching of English writing. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the writing and chunks of non-English majors will change with the application of prefabricated chunks in the process of writing teaching. Will the number of chunks used in the composition change with it? In addition, which of the four major categories of prefabricated chunks contributes the most to the improvement of writing proficiency? The specific research questions are as follows: 1. What effect will the application of prefabricated chunks have on the chunks and writing proficiency of non-English majors? 2. What is the change in the number of prefabricated chunks used in the composition if the students' writing level is improved? Which type of chunks contributes most to the improvement of writing proficiency? 3. What is the attitude of the students towards this method after the teaching experiment of prefabricated chunks? What enlightenment will it bring to our teaching? In this experiment, two classes, 41 and 45, were chosen as participants in the tourism management major of Grade 15 of Shanxi University School of Business, respectively. In terms of teaching methods, the experimental class adopted a language teaching method characterized by prefabricated chunks. The control class adopts the traditional teaching method, mainly teaching the word grammar. Before and after the experiment, the students will be tested on the language chunks and writing proficiency, and the test results will be analyzed with SPSS. After the experiment, the results will be analyzed. The students in the experimental class will also carry out a questionnaire survey and draw the following conclusions: the application of prefabricated chunks in the teaching process can improve the students' level of chunks and writing, and with the improvement of writing proficiency, The number of chunks in the composition of the experimental class also increased. Among the four categories of chunks, sentence construction contributed the most to the writing level. After the experiment, the students held a positive attitude towards the prefabricated chunks. It is hoped that it will continue to be used in future teaching. At the end of the study, suggestions for prefabricated chunks teaching and future research are also proposed. In fact, Theoretical studies related to this study are not uncommon in China, but the unique point of this study is that the empirical research on the correlation between prefabricated chunks and writing proficiency is helpful to understand the practical application of prefabricated chunks in writing. Not just at the theoretical level.


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