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发布时间:2018-03-03 20:20

  本文选题:场域 切入点:惯习 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The cross-disciplinary mutual reference and infiltration have injected fresh blood into the study of translation. Bourdieu's sociological concepts and theoretical models have been applied to translation studies since 1990s. The theory of capital has been widely used to analyze the generation and dissemination of translation. This paper, from the perspective of field and custom, makes a study and analysis of the translation of the Butterfly by Dai Naidi. The Butterfly is a novella published by Wang Meng, a famous contemporary Chinese writer, in 1980. Many scholars at home and abroad have studied it from the perspective of literary research. This paper holds that the appearance of a translation will be influenced by a given period of time and the translator's habit. It is a feasible choice to discuss the retranslation of texts from the field and the habit.After the reform and opening up, international exchanges have been strengthened, and the state attaches great importance to foreign cultural exchanges. In 80s, most of the translation activities in China were organized by the Foreign Cultural Bureau. This relatively relaxed domestic and international environment gives translators a lot of choices, and the translator can choose the target text according to his own preferences. As a result, Dai Nadi selected and translated some of the best works of modern and contemporary writers. Inevitably influenced by her social role, she straddled both Chinese and Western cultures and adopted flexible translation methods and strategies in the translation of Butterfly. At the same time, the author also analyzes the shortcomings and expectations of the theory in the analysis of this translation. Through the analysis of the translation, the author thinks that the theory can also be applied to the study of literary retranslation.


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