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发布时间:2018-03-04 02:03

  本文选题:施通格语言 切入点:主宾格语言 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Voice is a grammatical category. The sentence semantic can express different voice, thus highlighting the key sentences in passive voice. That has been the language of academic concern, especially passive syntactic forms. Due to different word order and grammar rules, the passive state of world languages have different forms. The scholars study the most is the semantic study of dynamic, this is the most basic and traditional dynamic perspective, including the main dynamic contrast by dynamic analysis, the research in different language system in passive category is relatively weak. The related research in Chinese is mainly focus on the research of shallow tongge configuration application on passive category in Chinese, while the lattice configuration problem passive category in English study is not the very system. Previous studies have yet to lattice configuration problems clearly, analysis and summary and analysis clear. The characteristics of individual language, thus providing a wider range of research. Therefore, to explore the lattice configuration problem in the field of English and Chinese passive type from the perspective is very necessary. Shi Tong lattice configuration found in English and Chinese passive in the category, the special structure of English and Chinese passive in the category of grammatical rules. To explore the form of passive the category of the world's languages in typology, and study the similarities and differences between English and Chinese passive lattice configuration category, for the language universals, study provides a new perspective for the passive category. This paper first introduces the language of the world and the guest language and Application form through the lattice lattice passive category in language; syntax and then summarize the performance of English and Chinese passive category, explain the commonness and individuality; finally from the passive category of Chinese and English language, analysis of two kinds of passive in the category of Shi Tong lattice configuration, and divided into Influence factors analysis of the phenomenon of language, and through the combination of the case found the commonness and individuality of language, the language of the world. The research findings are as follows: 1) the linguist identity in Shi Tong are the main object configuration ergative languages, English and Chinese have also applied through lattice configuration. But the semantic requirements of splitting lattice configuration although English and Chinese verbs. There are general, but similar in Shi Tong lattice configuration of passive sentences, verb semantic difference. Chinese Shi Tong lattice of verb semantics tend to "change of state", "psychological changes", "verb adjective coexistence" and "self change". English tend to be "state change", "increase decrease", "creation" and "inchoative") for the study of.2 in English and Chinese language application through lattice configuration, a few domestic scholars analyzed the explanation. For example Lv Shuxiang (1978), Jin Lixin (2014) on the basis. On the basis, this paper carried out analysis of the special sentence patterns in English and Chinese, the syntactic forms of interpretation from the perspective of case marking. Believe that English and Chinese middle construction is a typical application of tongge configuration language. The lattice guest "Sheng" and "lost" more prominent. The two explanation for the semantic itself. It should start with Huang Zhengde's unaccusative hypothesis is not the same. In English, corresponding to the "structure of.3 NP+V+ADV" in English and Chinese) Shi tongge phenomenon of similarities and differences in syntax and semantics. The same semantic meanings of English and Chinese Verbs: Springer the point is not a subject object verb structure; Springer described the incident is usually complete and end point; the patient's own state will change. "" in Chinese: differences, "/" have "," and "already" in English said The end of time. But in Chinese, "have / has" with other signs. For the omission of "tense has / have been", the meaning of the sentence will not change. In English, tense sign is morpheme, can not be independent, and can only complete temporal coexistence, i.e. have+ ed.Already not only can be used alone. Can be together in the perfect tense. Compared with English, Chinese tense expression more casually. The same point: the syntax between English and Chinese verbs from the sentence into strict intransitive sentences with the same position. That is two yuan in the predicate sentence, into verb into a grid of predicate in; when the body, usually use the past tense and the perfective. Differences: English verb affixes Springer with diversity, and in the Chinese language is relatively simple. Has the theoretical significance of language typology and common language learning in this study. On the one hand, the guest list on language and language through applying lattice lattice passive category of syntactic forms, can be in the passive form a clearer understanding of the similarities and differences of language, provide inspiration and reference for the further research of passive category of language in the world. On the other hand, the popular grid configuration problem of linguists have a deeper exploration and research. This study also has a certain application value, the lattice configuration problem in the field of English and Chinese passive category of Chinese and English teaching provides some theoretical guidance.



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