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发布时间:2018-03-04 02:16

  本文选题:高中生 切入点:跨文化交际意识 出处:《淮北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Economic globalization and the rapid development of the Internet make the communication between countries more and more frequent. Cross-cultural communication has become a part of people's lives. Communication between different societies and cultures has become inevitable. While enjoying the fruits of the globalization of science, technology and economy, people are also suffering from the cultural differences brought about by communication errors, contradictions and conflicts. Globalization is not the same as monism. We can no longer use old cultural concepts and ways of thinking to deal with all kinds of problems arising from cross-cultural communication. Therefore, we should cultivate sensitivity to cultural differences, shorten cultural distances and raise awareness of cross-cultural communication. The development of intercultural communicative competence has become an urgent requirement in the new era. Language is the main tool and carrier of intercultural communication, and culture has an impact on language in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, text structure and so on. Culture and language are inseparable. In English class, we should not only explain language knowledge, but also teach culture. To improve students' intercultural communication awareness and ability. This thesis focuses on 331 students in six classes in three senior high schools in Huaibei City. The present situation of cross-cultural communication awareness of senior high school students and its causes are studied. The results of the survey are analyzed by means of WPS and Excel, through a questionnaire survey on the current situation of cross-cultural communication awareness among senior high school students. The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of high school students' awareness of intercultural communication in Huaibei City, to analyze the factors hindering the improvement of high school students' awareness of intercultural communication, and to put forward some suggestions. At the same time, 30 senior high school students and 10 teachers were interviewed. The results of questionnaire and interview show that high school students' awareness of intercultural communication is weak, and their cultural knowledge and cultural understanding need to be improved. The main reasons include the lack of cultural knowledge and the influence of ethnocentrism. In view of the above reasons, this paper puts forward several suggestions: first, teachers should strive to improve their own cultural ability and comprehensive quality; secondly, teachers must set up a correct teaching concept. Dealing with the relationship between culture teaching and language teaching; thirdly, students should correct their attitude towards learning English, look at foreign cultures correctly, and take the initiative to accumulate English cultural knowledge. Raise one's awareness of cross-cultural communication. The improvement of cross-cultural communication awareness is not achieved overnight. It also needs the country and the society. Through questionnaire, this study finds out that the awareness of intercultural communication of high school students in Huaibei City is relatively weak, analyzes the reasons for this situation, and tries to put forward some feasible suggestions from the aspects of teaching and learning. Hope to provide some help for Huaibei high school students to improve their awareness of cross-cultural communication.


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