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发布时间:2018-03-04 11:21

  本文选题:陪同口译 切入点:涉外收养 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper is mainly about the practice and experience of a play and escort interpretation. This practice experience involves foreign adoption, the reception of foreign guests from Sweden. This practice is the first interpreter about foreign related adoption work, moreover, the topic is quite complex, multi program, professional strong, strict requirements are very challenging, so there is a certain degree of difficulty to the author of this practice. So in addition to the practice of the description of the process, including the practice of detailed analysis and summary to the actual translation process from the preparatory work, to work after the end of the reflection. This paper mainly includes four aspects: the first chapter is the introduction and analysis of the practice of the task. Which includes not only the task of the introduction of the background, as well as on the client's requirements. The second chapter mainly introduces. Introduces the interpretation process, including the tasks before the start of the preparation, translation and practice, as well as the author and principal on the work of evaluation. The third chapter, the author analyzed some problems through the recording the process of translation practice in the process of the selection and application of and coping strategies the fourth chapter, some knowledge about translation work learned mainly introduces the author from the practice, and the prospect for the future work.



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