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发布时间:2018-03-04 14:03

  本文选题:《叫魂》 切入点:孔飞力 出处:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:Soulstealers:The Chinese Sorcery Scare of 1768(《叫魂:1768年中国妖术大恐慌》)是美国第二代汉学领军人物孔飞力最重要的代表作,于1990年由哈佛大学出版社出版。它表现出一种更为宏大的学术视野,在构建以叫魂案为中心的大叙事的过程中,在方法论的层次上将社会史、文化史、政治史、经济史、区域分析、官僚科层制度分析以及心理分析等研究方法结合在一起,使之成为20世纪90年代以来美国中国学研究界的一部大书,被认为起到了开学术研究风气之先的作用。《叫魂》中文版由上海三联书店于1999年推出,在国内学术界引起巨大反响,至今仍为学术畅销书。本论文以中文版《叫魂》为研究对象,采用描述性研究模式,结合伊塔玛·埃文-佐哈尔的多元系统论中多元系统、边缘—中心地位和经典化等概念以及吉迪恩·图里的翻译规范理论中的操作规范,探讨在翻译的各个阶段《叫魂》在多元系统中的地位及其对翻译的影响。在考察翻译选材时,结合多元系统中不同系统的竞争交代《叫魂》中文译本的缘起;在分析翻译策略时,重构译者在位于边缘地位的中国学界翻译《叫魂》时的操作规范;在研究译作的传播时,追溯《叫魂》的经典化之旅。研究发现,就翻译选材而言,在多元系统中占主导地位的政治因素起决定作用;在翻译策略上,译者在操作规范层面体现了可接受和充分性翻译的结合,与佐哈尔对于弱势文化中的翻译更倾向于充分性翻译的预测不符,由此推测,除文化强弱因素之外,翻译目的、翻译文本主题以及译文读者都可能对多元系统中的翻译策略的选择产生影响;在译作的传播中,出版社和读者的作用不容忽视。出版社的主题选择、编辑改版和封面设计,译者的翻译、译者后记,和普通读者的阅读都有助于译作的流传和经典化,延续着原作的生命。《叫魂》是一部学术著作,作者对《叫魂》这一成功的学术翻译个案进行研究,围绕这部作品的翻译涉及的三个阶段展开全面考察,不仅可以让我们了解《叫魂》这部学术著作在选材、翻译及其在目的语文化中经典化的过程,对于我们认识学术著作选材、翻译及经典化的过程与机制也有一定的启发意义,也可为学术翻译研究和实践提供一些思考,为将来系统的学术翻译研究提供了一个案例。另外,本研究主要考察的是西方学术经典在中国语境中的翻译和推广,但是对于中西学术成果的交流,乃至为中国学术成果的西传和中国在国际上学术话语权的建立或许也有一定的参考意义。
[Abstract]:Soulstealers:The Chinese Sorcery Scare of 1768, the most important masterpiece of the second generation of American Sinology leaders, was published by Harvard University Press in 1990. In the process of constructing a grand narrative centered on the case of the soul, the research methods of social history, cultural history, political history, economic history, regional analysis, bureaucratic system analysis and psychological analysis are combined at the methodological level. Since 1990s, it has become one of the major books in the field of Chinese studies in the United States, and is considered to have played a leading role in opening up the atmosphere of academic research. The Chinese version of "Soul" was launched in 1999 by the Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, which has aroused tremendous repercussions in the domestic academic community. It's still an academic bestseller. This paper uses the Chinese version of "Soul" as a research object, adopts a descriptive research model, and combines with the polysystem theory of Itama Evan Zohar. The concepts of edge-centrality and classicalization, as well as the operational norms in Gideon Toury's theory of translation norms, explore the role of "Soul" in multiple systems at all stages of translation and its impact on translation. According to the competition of different systems in multiple systems, it explains the origin of the Chinese translation of "Soul"; reconstructs the translator's operational norms in the translation of "Soul" in the marginal Chinese academic circles when analyzing translation strategies; and, in studying the dissemination of the translated works, reconstructs the operational norms of the translator in the translation of "Soul" in the marginal Chinese academic circles. The study found that in terms of translation selection, the dominant political factors in the pluralistic system play a decisive role; in terms of translation strategies, At the level of operational norms, the translator embodies the combination of acceptable and adequate translation, which does not agree with Zohar's prediction that translation in weak cultures is more inclined to be adequate, thus inferring that, in addition to cultural factors, the purpose of translation is different. Both the theme of the translated text and the readers of the target text may have an impact on the choice of translation strategies in the multiple systems, and the role of the publisher and the reader in the dissemination of the translated works should not be ignored. The translator's translation, the translator's postscript, and the reading of the ordinary readers all contribute to the spread and canonization of the translation, which perpetuates the life of the original. The "Soul" is an academic work, and the author studies the successful case of academic translation of "the Soul of the Soul". A comprehensive investigation of the three stages involved in the translation of this work not only enables us to understand the process of the selection, translation and canonization of this academic work in the culture of the target language, but also helps us to understand the selection of academic works. The process and mechanism of translation and canonization also have some enlightening significance, which can also provide some thoughts for academic translation research and practice, and provide a case for systematic academic translation research in the future. This study focuses on the translation and promotion of Western academic classics in the context of China, but the exchange of academic achievements between China and the West. Even the westward transmission of Chinese academic achievements and the establishment of Chinese academic discourse in the world may also have some reference significance.


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