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发布时间:2018-03-05 00:22

  本文选题:莫言 切入点:葛浩文 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Life and death fatigue is the 10th works of Mo Yan, the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize. Mo Yan has said that this book represents his writing style in a more comprehensive way. And some of his explorations in the art of fiction. The translator of the novel is George Gehor, known as the "chief translator of Western Chinese literature." he translated almost all Mo Yan's works. He translated Chinese literature. The translation strategies adopted have received mixed reviews. The basic characteristic is "abridged", "modified" or even "whole compilation". I have found that there are a lot of rewriting in the English translation of "Life and death fatigue" through the text careful reading. Therefore, I intend to combine the rewriting theory to analyze these rewriting. For example, the theory of rewriting was put forward by Andre Lefevere, one of the representatives of the Translational manipulation School, who has repeatedly mentioned the factors that influence rewriting. It includes ideology, poetics, sponsorship power, register and so on. This paper tries to sort out the relationship between various factors, and holds that ideology and poetics are relatively fixed macro factors, and translators, as human beings, can challenge these factors. Therefore, the translator himself should be included in the factors that influence rewriting. In addition, the human factor also includes the power of sponsorship. Therefore, according to the above factors, I classify the rewriting in "fatigue of life and death". It is found that the rewriting of the text enhances the readability of the translation, lays the foundation for Chinese literature to go out, and lays the foundation for foreign readers to understand China better.


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