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发布时间:2018-03-05 17:18

  本文选题:冲突性话语 切入点:交换结构 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The exchange structure in this paper Sinclair and Coulthard put forward the theoretical framework, adopting qualitative and quantitative methods to conduct research and analysis of conflict talk from the TV series. The source of the corpus is representative of modern family drama < > the first quarter to the sixth quarter of the 120 conflict talk, which conflict the same generation and inter generational discourse among family members of all 60, aims to explore the conflict talk between family members from the exchange structure from the perspective of how to build the structure of the same generation, especially the exchange and inter generational conflict talk between family members. It is the smallest step discourse unit, which consists of a or more then. From the point of view of move, four words: initiating move, step response moves, challenging move and follow-up move together to build the "exchange structure of conflict talk between family members of the modern family. This kind of" The exchange structure has two modes: one is the initiating move - challenging move - move. Subsequent conflict talk in a challenging move will happen. The other one is initiating move - response moves - initiating move - move - challenge response moves. But no matter what kind of mode. A total of 107 of the conflict talk is to start initiating move, move to the end of the follow-up. It is a unit of discourse, its characteristic is decided by its play a role in the discourse. From the objective point of view, in the same generation of family members, it is to start inform, ask and request instructions as the main body, then the ratio is relatively low. However, in the cross generation family members, it is starting to ask and instruction as the main body. After starting it, members of the generation family tend to give a negative response to initial acts indirectly to express the heart not in full. Cross generation family members, both sides of the conflict through direct negation or further instructions to achieve its challenging. In subsequent acts, the intense degree of support or recognition of the acts to slow down the conflict between members of the same family. The tendency and cross generation family members with more confrontational answer thus, exacerbating the conflict with each other.



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