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发布时间:2018-03-06 09:06

  本文选题:社会学文本 切入点:交际翻译 出处:《兰州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文以英国著名翻译理论家彼得?纽马克的交际翻译为指导,旨在对翻译实践中碰到的一些难点问题进行具体分析,重在探讨解决难点问题的翻译策略和技巧。原文选自罗德?利德尔的社会学著作《自私哀嚎的猴子:我们为何贪婪、自恋和不快》(Selfish,Whining Monkeys:How We Ended up Greedy,Narcissistic and Unhappy),属于彼得?纽马克划分的典型的传递信息型文本。罗德?利德尔以半自传的形式,主要从英国宗教、社会、经济、文化等方面向读者讲述了他那一代人的生活方式及处世态度,无情地揭露了英国现代生活方式的荒谬性和虚伪性。在交际翻译的指导之下,本文主要结合翻译实践中典型的英语词语和长句的汉译问题,运用对等译法、具体译法、增译法等翻译技巧,阐明交际翻译对社会学文本的汉译具有很好的指导作用。交际翻译具有极强的实践意义,可以在宏观层面上有效指导社会学文本的翻译。这让笔者在一定程度上避免了因形害义情况的产生,在翻译中既能忠实地传达原文信息,又能很好地为目标语读者服务,从而增强了交际效果。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the famous British translation theorist Peter? Newmark's communicative translation is aimed at making a concrete analysis of some difficult problems encountered in translation practice, focusing on the translation strategies and techniques to solve the difficult problems. Liddell's sociological work, "Monkeys of Selfish howling: why are We greedy, narcissistic and unhappy?" SelfishWhining Monkeys:How We Ended up Narcissistic and Unhappy, belong to Peter? Newmark division of the typical transmission of information text. Luo De? In the form of a semi-autobiography, Liddell, mainly from the religious, social, economic, cultural and other aspects of Britain, told readers about his generation's way of life and attitude towards the world. Under the guidance of communicative translation, this paper, under the guidance of communicative translation, focuses on the translation of English words and long sentences into Chinese in the light of the typical translation of English words and long sentences, and applies the method of equivalent translation to the specific translation method, so as to reveal the absurdity and hypocrisy of the modern English way of life. Translation techniques, such as adding translation techniques, illustrate that communicative translation has a good guiding effect on the translation of sociological texts into Chinese, and communicative translation is of great practical significance. It can effectively guide the translation of sociological texts at the macro level. This enables the author to avoid the appearance and harm to a certain extent and to convey the original information faithfully and to serve the target readers well. Thus, the communication effect is enhanced.


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