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发布时间:2018-03-07 03:22

  本文选题:翻译实践 切入点:文本类型理论 出处:《湖南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Government portal is a window for many cities to face the world. With the increasingly frequent international contacts, some provincial or municipal governments in China have successively established their English version of government portals in order to increase the intensity of the city's external publicity. Among them, the introduction of historical figures is one of the important contents of foreign propaganda in many cities. Introducing the deeds of Chinese historical figures to foreign readers in English is to carry forward Everbright's outstanding Chinese culture and further develop and enrich Chinese culture. The indispensable condition of propagating Chinese culture abroad is also the need to show the soft power of the country. On the recommendation of teachers and classmates, the author interned at the Hunan Press Station in China Daily during the summer vacation on 2015. The establishment of an English version of the government portal for the Xiangxiang Municipal Government is one of the translation projects in which the author participated during his internship. In this project, the author is mainly responsible for translating the introduction of famous people in Xiangxiang. There are more than 15,000 words. The practice report is based on the translation practice of this internship. This paper tries to find out an effective way to deal with this kind of translation. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the situation of Xiangxiang City and the translation theory guidance introduced in translation practice-text type translation, and explains the purpose of the author's writing the practice report. Then, the author describes the whole process of translation practice in detail, including pre-translation preparation, formal translation and post-translation proofreading. This paper analyzes the original text from three aspects: function and text type, and puts forward the corresponding translation strategies and methods. At the same time, the author points out the difficulties in translation, and concludes that under the guidance of the text type theory, the author can get the additional translation and the smooth translation. Finally, the author summarizes the translation practice based on self-evaluation and the evaluation given by China Daily. This translation practice introduces the text to historical figures. Because the text has its own linguistic and cultural characteristics, it has a strong purpose and function. This paper points out the practical feasibility of the text type theory in the Chinese-English translation of the text through a case study. With the help of relevant translation strategies and techniques, the translation should be standardized and accurate, while avoiding the loss of the source language culture to the greatest extent in line with the readers' cultural psychology and linguistic appreciation habits. Only in this way can cross-cultural communication be realized successfully and the translation really play its role in propagating Chinese culture.


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