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发布时间:2018-03-08 17:48

  本文选题:大学英语 切入点:写作教学 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Writing is one of the integrated skills of English, is to deal with Workplace English language ability to improve our students' English comprehensive ability is imperative. < College English curriculum issued by the Ministry of education in 2007, the general requirements for the graduates of University non English writing ability "to complete the general writing task describing personal experiences, perceptions, feelings and events, etc., can be used to write common, within half an hour on a general topic or write the outline of not less than 120 words about the basic integrity of the content, the central idea is clear, with proper words, semantic coherence. Can master the basic writing skills. However, in recent years through the National University English four, six level of test in English writing performance can be seen, for these basic requirements, many students are unable to complete. And, for how to improve Non English Majors in High College English writing ability, English teachers many universities have a head loss. Because most of the domestic university and not have a special writing course for college students, many textbooks in terms of text knowledge is our main task of College English curriculum. Therefore, in this case, how to improve the English Writing ability of university students, how to for College English teachers to provide a new method of teaching English writing is faced by the researchers is an important research problem in.2008, Wen Qiufang proposed the output driven hypothesis, and puts forward the output driven hypothesis in practical English major application and validity of.2013 years, Wen Qiufang published "output driven hypothesis in College English teaching thoughts and suggestions: > a text, expounds the specific content of the output driving hypothesis, implementation of the" output driven hypothesis in College English Course And the implementation of the "output driven hypothesis" challenge. In recent years, many scholars take the output driven hypothesis used in the concrete teaching practice, to further verify the validity of the output driven hypothesis in College English teaching, including the teaching practice of College English writing. The study of university English writing teaching and the present situation, this paper put forward to the output Wen Qiufang's driving hypothesis as the theoretical guidance for the teaching of College English writing was further studied. The main purpose of this study is to change teachers' teaching ideas, change the previous college English teachers enter the light output of the teaching concept, clear tasks and goals for the writing teaching of College English teachers, improve the teachers of College English writing teaching to improve college students' English writing efficiency. The output ability, improve their English comprehensive skills, so that contemporary college students can To adapt to the increasingly fierce competition in the job demand. Based on the current research on College English Writing Teaching at home and abroad as the background, the output driven hypothesis proposed by Wen Qiufang theory as the guide to do further research on the teaching of College English writing. There are two main problems this paper attempts to explore, one is "the teaching mode" the output driven hypothesis "in classroom teaching of College English writing to improve the effectiveness of College English writing", two is "output driven teaching mode in which to promote the college students' English writing level. This paper basically uses theoretical analysis and experimental method, and combining with the investigation questionnaire, writing test and other research methods to study. The Zhuhai College of Jilin University two college English class as the research object, a class is the experimental class, accept the driving hypothesis under the guidance of the theory of teaching in the output 瀛︽ā寮忚繘琛岃嫳璇啓浣滄暀瀛,




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