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发布时间:2018-03-08 18:46

  本文选题:《相助》 切入点:批评话语分析 出处:《南昌航空大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:长篇小说《相助》是美国作家凯瑟琳·斯多克特的处女作。小说以20世纪60年代美国南部密西西比州的杰克逊镇为背景,从三位女性的视角描述了她们的日常生活,揭示了美国南部地区黑人在白人霸权地位下举步维艰的的生存状态,真实生动地再现了上世纪六十年代美国密西西比地区的种族问题现状。小说《相助》涉及种族歧视问题,与批评话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)所倡导的通过文本揭示隐藏在语言中的偏见、歧视以及各种不平等权势关系及社会现象之功能相吻合。批评话语分析是一种新兴的工具语言学,其首要目标是通过分析文本的语言形式来揭露语篇中隐藏的意识形态,从而探讨话语、权力及意识形态之间的关系。本研究借助系统功能语法相关理论作为分析工具,从批评性话语分析视角对《相助》进行文本分析,在分析过程中结合对小说社会背景的考察来揭露隐藏在小说文本中的意识形态,揭示语言与意识形态、权力之间的深层关系。本研究主要从小说的词汇分类、转换、语气系统和及物性角度,研究小说中白人和黑人使用的不同词汇、被动句、黑人女佣与女主人对话的语气差异,并分析小说中的物质过程、心理过程和关系过程的使用,揭示黑人被动的社会地位和失语状态,黑人与白人之间不平等的权力关系,以及黑人的觉醒。本研究发现凯瑟琳·斯多克特善于通过运用不同的语言策略来建构当时社会的意识形态,从而进一步揭露语言和意识形态之间的辩证关系。研究表明,从语言研究的角度分析文学文本可以帮助读者更好地理解文学作品背后隐藏的意识形态和权力关系,从而促进读者对作品的理解。
[Abstract]:The novel "help" is the debut of American writer Catherine Stocker. It is set in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1960s, and describes their daily lives from the perspective of three women. It reveals the difficult existence of the black people in the southern part of the United States under the white hegemony, and vividly reproduces the racial problems in the Mississippi area in -40s. The novel Aid deals with racial discrimination. It coincides with the function of revealing the prejudice, discrimination and various unequal power relations and social phenomena in language through the text of critical Discourse Analysis. Critical discourse Analysis is a new tool linguistics. Its primary goal is to explore the relationship among discourse, power and ideology by analyzing the linguistic form of the text to reveal the hidden ideology in the text. From the perspective of critical discourse analysis, this paper makes a textual analysis of help to reveal the ideology hidden in the novel text, and reveals language and ideology, combining with the social background of the novel in the process of analysis. From the perspective of lexical classification, transformation, mood system and transitivity, this study studies the different words used by white and black people, passive sentences, and the tone of dialogue between black maids and hostesses. It also analyzes the use of material, psychological and relational processes in the novel, reveals the passive social status and aphasia of blacks, and the unequal power relationship between blacks and whites. And the awakening of blacks. This study found that Catherine Stokert was good at using different language strategies to construct the ideology of the society at that time, thus further revealing the dialectical relationship between language and ideology. Analyzing literary texts from the perspective of language research can help readers better understand the hidden ideology and power relationship behind literary works and thus promote readers' understanding of the works.


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