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发布时间:2018-03-09 10:13

  本文选题:翻译报告 切入点:商务翻译 出处:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:该翻译任务选自《必赢--高科技前沿项目之发掘、获取及管理指南》一书的第二部分。该书由Evin Stump编著,为信息型文本,主要描述国外竞标活动经验,对我国学生和竞标研究人员极具实用参考价值。任务发起人是译者朋友,目标读者是国内商务经济领域的学生以及专业竞标人员。此翻译任务目的是为我国学生以及竞标人员提供参考和借鉴,以此深化竞标研究、推动我国竞标事业的完善和发展。根据奈达的功能对等理论,翻译是用最恰当、最自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现原文的信息,其中语义优先。由于英汉两种语言之间的巨大差异,译者运用归化策略从词汇、句法和语境三个层面来完成译文与原文之间的语义对等。首先译者通过词义的选择与延伸、动名词之间词性转换以及缩略词的翻译,保证译文信息准确;其次译者通过主被动结构转换以及插入语的翻译,保证译文语句通顺;最后译者通过人称指示来达到语篇的衔接,通过逻辑结构连接达到句子间的连贯。报告共分为四大部分,第一部分针对该翻译任务进行简单描述。第二部分为翻译过程描述,包括译前准备工作以及译后校对和处理工作。第三部分为该报告的主要部分,重点进行案例分析。第四部分为结语,对翻译过程中的发现、不足以及建议进行总结。
[Abstract]:The translation task is selected from the second part of a book called "Bing win-A Guide to the acquisition and Management of High-Tech Frontier projects." the book, compiled by Evin Stump, is an informational text that describes the experience of foreign bidding activities. It is of great practical reference value to our students and competitive researchers. The initiator of the task is the translator's friend. The target readers are students and professional bidders in the field of domestic business and economics. The purpose of this translation task is to provide reference and reference for Chinese students and bidders, so as to deepen the research of competitive bidding. According to Nida's functional equivalence theory, translation is the most appropriate, natural and equivalent language from semantic to stylistic reproduction of the original information. Because of the great differences between English and Chinese, the translator uses the domestication strategy to complete the semantic equivalence between the target text and the original text from the lexical, syntactic and contextual levels. First, the translator chooses and extends the meaning of the word. The part of speech conversion between gerund and the translation of acronyms ensure the accuracy of the information of the translated text; secondly, the translator ensures that the target sentence is smooth through the conversion of the active and passive structure and the translation of the inserts; finally, the translator achieves the cohesion of the text by means of personal deixis. The report is divided into four parts: the first part is a brief description of the translation task, and the second part is a description of the translation process. The third part is the main part of the report, focusing on case analysis. Part 4th is the conclusion, which summarizes the findings, shortcomings and suggestions in the process of translation.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 郭建中;翻译中的文化因素:异化与归化[J];外国语(上海外国语大学学报);1998年02期

2 袁昌明;;英汉修辞比较与翻译[J];中国翻译;1989年04期




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