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发布时间:2018-03-09 19:31

  本文选题:目的论 切入点:《作战保障》 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本翻译实践报告来源于美军条令条例系列文件,为美国空军条令文件4-0《作战保障》(AFDD4-0 Combat Support),该条令阐述了作战保障在现代战争中的地位和作用,反映了美国空军在作战保障方面的最新观念。该条令共八个章节,其中前两章介绍了灵敏作战保障和作战保障指挥控制:第三章至第八章讲述了作战保障流程,包括准备部队、准备战场、部署部队、运用部队、持续保障部队以及回收部队。根据军事英语文本的语言特点,译者选择功能主义目的论作为翻译的指导理论。报告共分为五个部分,第一部分是对翻译项目的介绍,包括项目来源、项目意义、委托方要求和项目结构。第二部分是对翻译过程的描述,简述了译前准备、翻译过程和译后审校。第三部分介绍了功能主义目的论,描述了目的论的发展、原则及其对军事英语文本的指导意义。第四部分为案例分析,阐述了目的论指导下词汇、句子和篇章三个层面的翻译并进行举例说明——词汇层面包括军事术语的翻译和具有军事含义的普通词汇的翻译;句子层面主要分析了长句和被动句,并从顺译、逆译、增译、转译和合译这五个角度对长句进行了分析;篇章层面介绍了篇章特点并就所给篇章进行了分析。第五部分总结了翻译过程中的经验教训、翻译启示和翻译中一些待解决的问题。其中第四部分是本翻译报告的主要组成部分。《作战保障》的翻译,为我国军事工作者和研究者提供了真实完整的信息,加强了人们对作战保障的研究和理解,对我空军部队人员了解和研究美国空军作战保障的现状和发展、借鉴美国空军后勤保障的经验和做法有着至关重要的意义。
[Abstract]:This practical report comes from a series of documents of the US military regulations and regulations. It is the United States Air Force directive document 4-0 (operational support) / AFDD4-0 Combat support, which describes the status and role of combat support in modern warfare. It reflects the latest concept of the United States Air Force in operational support. It contains eight chapters, the first two of which introduce sensitive operational support and operational support command and control: chapters III to 8th describe the operational support process, including the preparation of troops. Prepare the battlefield, deploy troops, use troops, maintain troops and recycle troops. According to the linguistic characteristics of military English texts, the translator chooses functionalist Skopos as the guiding theory for translation. The report is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction of the translation project, including the source of the project, the significance of the project, the requirements of the client and the structure of the project. The third part introduces the Skopos theory of functionalism, describes the development of Skopos theory, principles and its guiding significance in military English texts. Part 4th is a case study to illustrate the Skopos theory under the guidance of vocabulary. The three levels of sentence and text are translated and illustrated by examples: the lexical level includes the translation of military terms and the translation of common words with military meaning, while the sentence level mainly analyzes long sentences and passive sentences, and analyzes them from the following aspects: sequential translation, reverse translation, and incremental translation. This paper analyzes the long sentences from the five angles of translation and co-translation, introduces the characteristics of the text at the text level and analyzes the given text. Part 5th summarizes the experience and lessons in the process of translation. Part 4th is the main part of this translation report. The translation of Warfare support provides Chinese military workers and researchers with real and complete information. It is of great significance for the personnel of our air force to understand and study the current situation and development of the combat support of the US Air Force, and to learn from the experience and practice of the logistic support of the US Air Force.


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