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发布时间:2018-03-10 02:18

  本文选题:翻译 切入点:忠实 出处:《外语教学》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Chinese literary (cultural) texts oriented towards "going out" are often accused of being unfaithful to the original text, and the faithful translation text is often less popular in the target language. The translation of Chinese literature (culture) "going out" is in a dilemma. The dilemma is due to the historical limitation of the concept of faithfulness. This paper attempts to analyze the historical process of translation practice and the formation of the concept of faithfulness in Chinese and Western cultures for hundreds of years. It reveals the internal relationship between the historical limitation of translation practice and the historical limitation of faithfulness. This paper argues that translation and translation are two different translation practices, and that Chinese literature (culture) "going out" is a typical translation practice. The concept of faithfulness based on translation practice cannot be fully explained, and this concept needs to be revised, which is also the unique value of Chinese translation experience.
【作者单位】: 南开大学翻译系;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“中国戏剧‘走出去’的翻译改写研究”(项目编号:14BYY023) 南开大学“中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金”资助项目的阶段性研究成果


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