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发布时间:2018-03-10 03:31

  本文选题:高中生 切入点:英语课堂笔记 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the information of social life and the globalization of the world economy, people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of learning English. As far as middle school students are concerned, the importance of English is particularly prominent. English is not only one of the important subjects they study. It is also an important condition for them to enter an ideal university and achieve their goals in life. So, how to improve the English learning achievement of middle school students? Scholars at home and abroad have explored learning strategies. As one of the learning strategies, note-taking is related to students' academic achievement, and what are the differences in note-taking among students with different learning levels? In addition, according to the author's experience, teachers and students have not paid much attention to taking notes, so, The purpose of this paper is to discuss whether notes are helpful to students' academic achievement and whether they should be paid more attention to by demonstrating the correlation between notes and English academic achievements. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scholars' research on note-taking, this paper finds that they have some research on students' note-taking attitude, habits, methods and review. However, there is no study on the correlation between note-taking and English learning achievement. Note taking plays an important role in the process of students' learning, so this paper studies the four aspects of note-taking. At the same time, this paper also discusses the concept of note-taking. The specific meaning of the four dimensions and the theory used are discussed. Secondly, in terms of the research design, 175 senior high school students attached to Inner Mongolia normal University are selected as the research objects, and the methods of questionnaire, student notes and interviews are used. According to the four dimensions of the questionnaire, that is, note-taking attitude, habits, methods and notes review, this paper explores the following two research questions: first, whether the students' English classroom notes are related to their academic performance; second, the high score group. What is the difference between middle and low groups in taking notes in English? then, this paper uses descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and univariate variance analysis, combining constructivism theory with meaningful learning theory. This paper analyzes and discusses the differences in note-taking among students at different learning levels. According to the four dimensions of the questionnaire, this paper can draw the following conclusions. Firstly, English learning achievement and students' note-taking attitude and habits are discussed. There was a lower correlation between method and review. Among them, the correlation between academic achievement and students' note-taking attitude was higher than that in other aspects. Secondly, the attitude and habit of students taking notes in low group and high score group were higher than those in other aspects. There are differences in methods and reviews. There are differences in note-taking between low and middle groups. In addition, there is no difference in note-taking between high and middle groups. Teachers should pay appropriate attention to note-taking. Students should have a positive attitude, develop good note-taking habits, master effective note-taking methods and give proper review, so that the role of note-taking can be brought into play. This paper also explains the limitations of the research, hoping to provide reference for the researchers who discuss this topic in the future.


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