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发布时间:2018-03-10 08:01

  本文选题:初任英语教师 切入点:教师信念发展 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教师信念在教师认知的相关研究中处于核心地位。教师信念是教师个人所持有的,针对具体教学情境的内隐性假设。教师的信念在其知识和经验基础上形成,影响其在课堂教学和管理中的决策。初任教师的信念发展往往标志着他的教师专业发展。纵观已有的研究,我们可以发现,学者们普遍认为教师信念的发展与变革受到教师主观因素和外部环境的共同影响。但这种分析大多停留在理论分析的层面,难以解释各种因素如何具体作用于教师信念,对于教师信念发展变化的实证研究仍明显不足。由于教师信念具有内隐性,课堂观察和对教师行为的描述难以全面真实地呈现教师信念,而基于深度访谈的个案研究尤为必要。本研究采用“叙事探究”的方法,以徐泉(2012)对英语教师信念的分类为理论基础,主要探究一名初任英语教师在英语教学观,师生角色观以及英语教学专业观三方面的发展变化,分析引发这些变化的原因并试图为初任教师、职前教师和教师教育研究者提出一些合理建议。研究问题如下:(1)研究对象在入职前形成了哪些教师信念?(2)研究对象的教师信念在入职后有无变化?这些变化是如何发生的?(3)影响英语教师信念发展的因素有哪些?叙事探究的参与者Bertie (化名)为2016年6月毕业于华中师范大学的教育硕士,现任教于厦门的一所公办小学。Bertie在入职前经历过教育实习,并做过短期兼职教师,并没有作为在职教师的经历,因此可以作为初任英语教师的代表。研究发现虽然Bertie的许多信念与其职前信念保持一致,但是入职后的工作经历潜移默化地影响了他的信念发展。总体来说,在英语教学观,师生角色观和英语教学专业观三个方面都体现出由“以教师为中心”向“以学生为中心”转变的趋势。Bertie信念的发展受到了内部因素和外部因素的共同影响。内部因素包括其性格、批判性反思、先前自身经历及职前阶段形成的坚定信念、成功及不成功的教学实践、持续不断的阅读和学习。外部因素则包括国家关于小学英语教学方面的宏观政策以及学校内教师共同体中的氛围。基于以上发现,研究者提出以下三条建议:1新入职教师应当积极创新教学实践以从中汲取经验,养成批判性反思的习惯,并且注重自身学习和专业能力的提升。2职前教师应多积累教学经验,并尽量接触不同层次的学生,为将来入职做好准备。3教师教育者在加强实践共同体建设的同时应更多地关注学生职前教师信念的形成。
[Abstract]:At the core of related research in Teacher Cognition of teachers' beliefs. Teachers' beliefs are held by individual teachers, implicit assumptions according to the specific teaching situation. Teachers' beliefs formed on the basis of experience and knowledge, its influence on classroom teaching and management decision-making. Beginning teachers belief development often marks his teacher professional development. Most of previous studies, we can find that scholars generally believe that the development and reform of teacher beliefs is influenced by teachers' subjective factors and external environment. But this analysis remains mostly in the theory perspective, it is difficult to explain how the factors act on Teachers' beliefs, for empirical research on the development of teachers' beliefs are still changing is obviously insufficient. Because the teacher beliefs have implicit, classroom observation and the teacher's behavior is difficult to fully describe the real presentation of teachers' beliefs, and A case study in depth interview is very necessary. This study uses "narrative inquiry", Xu Quan (2012) classification of English teachers' beliefs as the theoretical basis, mainly to explore a novice English teachers in English teaching, the roles of teachers and students and professional English teaching view of three aspects, analyzes the causes these changes and try to put forward some reasonable suggestions for novice teachers, pre service teachers and teacher education research. The research questions are as follows: (1) the research object form which teachers' beliefs in pre? (2) study of teachers beliefs have no change after the entry of these changes is how it happened?? (3) what are the factors that affect the development of the English teachers' beliefs? The narrative inquiry participants in Bertie (a pseudonym) for the master of education in June 2016 graduated from Huazhong Normal University, teaches at Xiamen a public primary school in.Bertie Pre experienced education practice, and did not as short-term part-time teachers, in-service teachers' experience, so it can be used as representative of new English teachers. The study found that although many of Bertie's beliefs and their pre beliefs remain the same, but after the entry of work experience to subtly influence his belief overall development. Speaking in English teaching, the roles of teachers and students and professional English Teaching in view of three aspects are reflected by the combined effect of internal factors and external factors of the development from "Teacher centered" to "student-centered" change trend of.Bertie beliefs. The internal factors include the character, critical reflection, previously their own experience and post conviction stage before the formation of the successful and unsuccessful teaching practice, continuous reading and learning. The external factors include the national macro aspects about the primary school English Teaching The concept of policy and school teachers in the community atmosphere. Based on the above findings, the researchers propose the following three suggestions: 1 new teachers should actively innovative teaching practice to learn from the experience, to develop the habit of critical reflection, and focus on improving the.2 level of self learning and professional ability of the teachers should accumulate more teaching experience. And try to contact the students of different levels, for future entry to prepare.3 teacher educators should pay more attention to the formation of students' pre service teachers' belief in strengthening the construction of community of practice at the same time.



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