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发布时间:2018-03-10 15:07

  本文选题:中国文化缺失 切入点:英语教学 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近几年来我国英语教学日益发展,学生不断吸收英语文化知识,却在外语学习中忽视了母语文化的意义。学生用英语表达中国文化的情况不容乐观。继2000年从丛教授提出“中国文化失语”这一概念以来,国内已有不少学者在此方面开展研究。通过回顾,作者发现我国在这一领域的研究聚焦在英语教学过程中,对象则集中在英语专业和非英语专业的大学生,而针对初高中生的研究较少。本文以克拉申的输入假说,情感过滤假说和高一虹的1+12的外语学习模式为理论基础;从教材,教师和学生三个角度进行调查。开展了针对包头市北重五中高中英语教师与学生使用的教材——人教版NSEFC(New Senior English For China)必修1-5的分析和对15名该校英语老师以及高三110名学生的调查。并且对这些学生进行了有关中国文化负载词汇的翻译。目的是发现师生所用的教材中是否存在中国文化缺失,学生在词汇方面是否存在中国文化的缺失以及造成这种现象的可能原因有哪些。本研究所使用的研究方法有教材分析,问卷调查以及访谈。首先,通过教材分析后发现,师生所使用的教材并不存在中国文化的缺失。虽然母语文化已经在教学中有所融入,但有关内容的还需要我们的重视。中国文化在教材中的比重处于合理范围,但中文化词汇缺乏,教师对关于中国文化内容的利用不够充分。其次,学生的中国文化负载词的翻译正确率低,可以看出学生在词汇方面存在着中国文化的缺失,这一现象值得我们的注意。接着,问卷和访谈表明,当前大部分英语教师虽然能意识到中国文化的重要性,但主要因应试压力,课堂时间紧张及对新课标中的中国文化的理解不到位,中国文化的教学在英语课堂和英语教学中未能得到有效执行;此外,学生通过多年的英语学习,也能认识到中国文化在英语学习中的重要性,但自己却缺乏用所学的英语来表达中国文化的意识。当然也存在一些教师和学生对英语课堂中的中国文化教学持有消极态度,他们认为中国文化的教学只适合高水平的英语学习者不适合基础不扎实的高中生。最后,作者主要对教师和学生提出一些建议。就教师方面而言,要利用好教材中提供的中国文化知识,注意引导学生关注英语中的中国文化内容;英语课堂上不仅要加入中国文化的教学,还要教得丰富多彩。就学生而言,学生自己才是教学活动中的主体。学生需要发挥自己的主观能动性,增加对中国文化英语表达的敏感性,在生活中多积累,多思考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, English teaching in our country has been developing day by day, and students are absorbing English cultural knowledge. However, the significance of native language culture is neglected in foreign language learning. The situation of students expressing Chinese culture in English is not optimistic. Since 2000, the concept of "Chinese cultural aphasia" has been put forward by Professor Cong. There are many scholars in China who have carried out research in this field. Through the review, the author finds that the research in this field is focused on the process of English teaching, and the subjects are mainly students majoring in English and non-English majors. However, there are few studies on junior high school students. This thesis is based on Krashen's input hypothesis, affective filtering hypothesis and high school's 112 foreign language learning model. This paper investigates teachers and students from three angles. An analysis of compulsory 1-5 course for teachers and students in Beichong No. 5 Middle School in Baotou City (NSEFC(New Senior English For China) is carried out, and 15 English teachers and 110 senior high school students in Baotou City are also analyzed. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a lack of Chinese culture in the textbooks used by teachers and students. Whether there is a lack of Chinese culture in the vocabulary of students and what are the possible reasons for this phenomenon. The research methods used in this study include textbook analysis, questionnaire survey and interviews. There is no shortage of Chinese culture in the textbooks used by teachers and students. Although the mother tongue culture has been incorporated in teaching, we still need to attach importance to the contents. The proportion of Chinese culture in the textbooks is within a reasonable range. However, the lack of Chinese cultural vocabulary and the insufficient use of Chinese cultural content by teachers. Secondly, the students' Chinese culture-loaded words have a low translation accuracy rate, which can be seen that students have a lack of Chinese culture in terms of vocabulary. This phenomenon deserves our attention. Then, questionnaires and interviews show that most English teachers are aware of the importance of Chinese culture, but mainly because of the pressure to take an examination. Due to the shortage of classroom time and the lack of understanding of Chinese culture in the new curriculum, the teaching of Chinese culture has not been effectively implemented in the English classroom and English teaching. In addition, students have learned English for many years. I can also recognize the importance of Chinese culture in English learning, but I do not have the awareness to express Chinese culture in the English language. Of course, there are some teachers and students who have a negative attitude towards Chinese culture teaching in English classroom. They think that the teaching of Chinese culture is only suitable for high level English learners. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions for teachers and students. As far as teachers are concerned, We should make good use of the knowledge of Chinese culture provided in the textbook and guide students to pay attention to the contents of Chinese culture in English. In the English classroom, we should not only join the teaching of Chinese culture, but also teach it in a rich and colorful way. As far as students are concerned, Students themselves are the main body of teaching activities. Students should give play to their subjective initiative, increase their sensitivity to the expression of Chinese cultural English, accumulate more in life and think more.


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