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发布时间:2018-03-11 01:18

  本文选题:学术论文 切入点:尤金·奈达 出处:《电子科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As international academic exchanges become more and more frequent and the importance of academic translation becomes increasingly prominent, academic translation has attracted more and more attention. However, compared with practical translation studies or literary translation studies, academic translation has attracted more and more attention. There are relatively few academic translation studies in China. Secondly, from the point of view of the object of study, most of the existing studies in China focus on the quality of academic translation, standards and terminology translation, etc. There are few scholars studying the application of translation techniques in academic translation. The study of the application of translation techniques is more practical. This report will explore the application of translation techniques in academic translation. This report is based on a translator's English-Chinese translation practice. The original text is Professor Maximo Le 贸 n's collection of academic papers, religious Semiotics, which mainly introduces the author. Reflections and discoveries in the field of religious semiotics. The main function is the information function. In the process of translation, the translator uses Eugene Nida's "functional equivalence" theory as a guide, combining the characteristics of the original text, by applying the corresponding translation techniques. This report consists of five parts: the first part is the introduction, which introduces the meaning of the task and the background of the report, the second part is the analysis of the original text, which mainly introduces the content of the original text and analyzes the original text in vocabulary. The third part introduces the development of Nida's "functional equivalence" theory and its important concepts, and explains the feasibility of applying "functional equivalence" theory to the translation of the original text. Part 4th, a case study, is the core part of this report, which focuses on how to use translation techniques in academic translation to achieve functional equivalence between the original and the target text at the lexical, syntactic and textual levels. This paper summarizes the application of translation techniques adopted by translators in the process of translation. Through case studies, this report discusses how to use translation techniques to achieve functional equivalence in academic translation. The translator hopes that this report will provide some references for other academic translators.


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