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发布时间:2018-03-11 09:19

  本文选题:旅游新闻 切入点:顺应论 出处:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:World wide Web Travel News is dedicated to mining tourism information resources for netizens, sharing travel tips, and keeping people from home to meet the need of "so much I want to see in the world." with the acceleration of the globalization process and the pace of information technology, More and more tourists are using the Internet to obtain information about their tourist destinations, and because of language and cultural differences, domestic media audiences are more inclined to read Chinese news. The translation of tourist news will directly affect the tourist intention, purchase behavior and economic and cultural exchange of outbound tourists. This practical report is based on the author's news translation practice on the World wide Web Travel Channel. The author discusses the lexical, syntactic, textual logic, cultural default and other problems encountered in translation. It is found that Vysore's adaptation theory can be used as the theoretical basis of this report. Based on the analysis of the above problems, this report is based on the differences in language structure and culture between Chinese and English tourism news. From two aspects of linguistic structure adaptation and contextual adaptation, this paper summarizes the relevant solutions, including part of speech conversion, sentence transformation, information recombination, transliteration, and so on, in order to provide reference for the English-Chinese translation of tourism news.


相关期刊论文 前2条

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相关重要报纸文章 前10条

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1 周雨;顺应论视角下环球网旅游新闻英汉翻译实践报告[D];西安外国语大学;2017年

2 董文华;[D];西安外国语大学;2015年

3 赵蕊;英语新闻翻译实践报告[D];天津大学;2015年

4 陈卓;旅游新闻简论[D];湘潭大学;2007年

5 张瑜;改写理论视角下环球网旅游新闻编译报告[D];云南师范大学;2017年




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