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发布时间:2018-03-11 17:26

  本文选题:功能翻译理论 切入点:GRE阅读翻译 出处:《东华大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:GRE由美国教育考试服务处(简称ETS)主办,是美加大学各研究生院要求申请者必须具备的一个成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金的重要评判标准。随着全球化的日益深入,很多中国本科毕业生有志于申请海外留学深造,因此,GRE成为一项越来越热门的国外考试。然而,中国学生却将阅读理解誉为"GRE(God’s Reading English:上帝才读懂的英语)"。GRE考试中,阅读理解来源多为美国最新科学杂志中所收录的学术论文,内容涉及自然科学、生命科学、社会科学及文学评论各大领域,主要考察学生对文章逻辑结构与主旨的理解。本实践报告立足于笔者所从事的一次翻译实践活动,探索运用德国功能翻译理论指导GRE阅读材料的英汉翻译可行性。共分为四大部分:第一章是翻译项目简介,主要涉及该项目的背景、特点及其翻译意义;第二章是翻译项目过程,主要分为:译前背景材料及理论的准备,翻译过程及译后审校;第三章是案例分析,笔者以德国功能翻译理论为指导,主要对文本类型、长难句句法及专业术语词汇三方面进行了详细分析,并结合翻译原则对相应难点进行了策略性探讨;第四章是结论,针对整个翻译实践过程进行回顾反思,指出功能翻译理论对GRE阅读英译汉翻译具有现实性指导意义,以期引起同行的思考。
[Abstract]:The GRE, sponsored by the United States Educational examination Service, is a required achievement for applicants in graduate schools at American and Canadian universities, as well as an important criterion for professors to judge whether applicants are awarded scholarships. Many Chinese undergraduate students are interested in applying for further studies abroad, so GRE has become an increasingly popular foreign test. However, Chinese students have hailed reading comprehension as "GRE(God's Reading English: God knows English)" .GRE. Most of the sources of reading and understanding are academic papers collected in the latest American scientific journals, covering the fields of natural science, life sciences, social sciences and literary reviews. This practical report is based on a translation practice conducted by the author. This paper explores the feasibility of using the German functional translation theory to guide the English-Chinese translation of GRE reading materials. It is divided into four parts: chapter one is a brief introduction of the translation project, which mainly deals with the background, characteristics and translation significance of the project; The second chapter is the process of translation project, which is mainly divided into: preparation of pre-translation background materials and theory, translation process and post-translation revision; chapter three is case analysis, the author is guided by the German functional translation theory, mainly on the text types. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the syntax of long difficult sentences and the vocabulary of technical terms, and makes a strategic study of the corresponding difficulties in the light of translation principles. Chapter 4th is the conclusion, which reviews and reflects on the whole process of translation practice. It is pointed out that functional translation theory is of practical significance to the translation of GRE reading English-to-Chinese in order to arouse peer thinking.


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2 成昭伟;白彬;;功能目的论与实用翻译教学[J];辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版);2007年02期

3 于艳红;英语连词及其翻译[J];安阳师范学院学报;2004年03期




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