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发布时间:2018-03-12 08:52

  本文选题:学术语篇 切入点:《默认语义学》 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇英译中翻译实践报告。翻译材料来源于剑桥大学卡西亚·亚希乔特(Kasia Jaszczolt)教授的学术专著《默认语义学:交际行为组构理论的基础》(Default Semantics)的第一部分。笔者翻译了其中的第二章第1节至第五节:2.1默认意义的多样性;2.2认知默认;2.3文化默认和社会默认;2.4坚持语义学的路子;2.5局限性。其中作者介绍了默认意义的种类、来源、内容,并对文化默认和社会默认做了细化阐述,也涉及默认意义研究的局限性。话语交际中,有些交际内容无需说话者传达和听话者推理,便可以获得,作者将该类交际内容归为默认意义,作者认为研究此类意义有三个亟待解决的问题:1.定义默认意义的问题;2.默认意义与语境的关联程度;3.默认意义的范畴问题;作者将此种默认置于语义学的范畴之中研究,且始终坚持语义学这条正确的道路,并且援引了不同学派的观点,和大量的例子加以辨析佐证,因此,翻译《默认语义学:交际行为组构理论的基础》具有现实意义,通过对其的翻译解读对于我们深入研究语言学大有裨益,尤其是语义学这一分支。学术语篇的翻译在于精确地传达原文的信息。在翻译过程中笔者发现,该语篇属于语言学领域,用词专业,多采用长句阐述观点。笔者选取了其中部分语句作为重点分析对象,分析了在英译中专著翻译中遇到的重难点问题,并探讨相应的翻译策略和方法。笔者获得诸多经验和教训,并得到如下启示:翻译前,要对于专著所属领域的背景知识加以研习;翻译时,如若遇到零对应,要运用平行文本、网络资源以辅助翻译,尽力做到精准再现原文信息;翻译后,要细心修改译文以保译文质量。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on C-E translation. The translation materials are from the academic monograph "default semantics: the basis of the Theory of communicative behavior fabric" by Professor Kasia Jaszczolt, University of Cambridge. 2. 2 Cognitive default 2.3 Cultural default and Social default 2.4 adhere to the semantic approach of 2.5 limitations. The author describes the types of default meanings. The source, content, and social default are elaborated, which also involve the limitations of the study of the default meaning. In discourse communication, some of the communicative content can be obtained without the speaker's communication and the hearer's reasoning. The author classifies this kind of communication content as default meaning. The author thinks that there are three urgent problems to be solved in studying this kind of meaning: 1.The problem of defining default meaning is 2.The relevance between default meaning and context is 3.The category problem of default meaning; The author puts this acquiescence in the category of semantics, and always insists on the correct path of semantics, and invokes different schools of thought and a large number of examples to discriminate and prove, therefore, Translation "default semantics: the basis of communicative behavior fabric Theory" is of practical significance. It is of great benefit to us to study linguistics deeply by interpreting it. In particular, the branch of semantics. The translation of academic discourse is to convey the information of the original text accurately. In the process of translation, the author finds that the text belongs to the field of linguistics and is specialized in the use of words. The author chooses some of the sentences as the main analysis object, analyzes the important and difficult problems encountered in the translation of monographs in English, and probes into the corresponding translation strategies and methods. The author has gained many experiences and lessons. The enlightenment is as follows: before translation, we should study the background knowledge in the field of monographs, if we encounter zero correspondence, we should use parallel text, network resources to assist translation, and try our best to reproduce the original information accurately. After translation, carefully modify the translation to ensure the quality of the translation.


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