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发布时间:2018-03-12 10:50

  本文选题:英语教学 切入点:茶学专业 出处:《福建茶叶》2017年11期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Through the introduction of tea culture information, this paper turns to the thinking of tea education. In 2013, the author collated the experimental information of English teaching in 6 classes of 2 grades of tea major in a Guangdong university. This paper summarizes the main problems in the teaching of tea major before strengthening the teaching of tea specialty English in this school and even in all colleges and universities in China: the problems in teaching materials, the problems in serving teachers, the problems in teaching of tea studies specialty, and the problems in the teaching of tea studies major. This paper also summarizes and analyzes some information feedback after strengthening English teaching for tea majors.
【作者单位】: 赣州师范高等专科学校;


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2 刘心灵;;当代茶学三品——品茶、品人、品市场[A];上海海峡两岸茶艺交流会文集[C];2004年

3 张开逊;;回忆茶学大师庄晚芳老师的一次谈话[A];新观点新学说学术沙龙文集13:茶与茶道的科学研究[C];2007年




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