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发布时间:2018-03-12 23:27

  本文选题:《铁公爵》 切入点:通俗文学 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:罗恩·哈伯德(Ron Hubbard)作为美国著名的通俗小说作家,拥有几百部作品,发行量过千万,深受世界各国人民喜爱,其著作全球发行量达1.77亿册,涉及32种语言,105个国家,国际书市上称其作品为"永恒的畅销书"。但是译者发现,目前中国尚无该作家作品的汉语译本,因此译者希望能够将罗恩·哈伯特的小说介绍到中国。《铁公爵》(The Iron Duke)是罗恩·哈伯特的代表作之一,该书叙述生动、逻辑清晰、伏笔处处且人物形象鲜明,因此译者选取此书作为毕业翻译实践项目进行翻译。通俗小说的翻译属于文学翻译,因此在翻译中需要在准确达意的基础上,尽量保留原文的风味。这恰好与美国作家尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)所提出的功能对等理论的要求不谋而合:功能对等理论的核心在于强调译入语和源语言之间最为贴切、自然的对等,重视译入语读者的感受,希望能够使译文读者可以得到和原文读者相似的阅读体验。《铁公爵》翻译实践的难点主要集中在文化内涵词、长难句和人物语言翻译这三个方面。译者希望本实践报告能够给通俗小说翻译中遇到的常见问题提出可供参考的解决方法。通过本次翻译项目实践,译者发现在通俗小说的英译汉过程中,应该以功能对等原理为指导,从而在最大程度上保留原作的文体特征和语言风格。具体而言,对于文化负载词,译者应在多方查证弄清词义的基础上尽可能意译,必要时选用译入语中相对应的意象或加注解释的方法进行翻译;处理长难句应调整原句结构,保证译入语读者能够获得与源语读者相似的感受;人物语言的翻译需要考虑到人物的性格和上下文,可通过意译,改换对话结构等具体方法保证功能对等的实现。
[Abstract]:Ron Hubbard, a famous American writer of popular fiction, has hundreds of books, over ten million copies, and is loved by people all over the world. He has a global circulation of 177 million books in 32 languages and 105 countries. The international book market has called his work "the eternal bestseller." but the translator has found that there is no Chinese translation of the author's work. So the translator wants to be able to introduce Ron Harbert's novel to China. "the Iron Duke" is one of Ron Harbert's masterpieces, which is vivid, logical, written and vivid. Therefore, the translator chooses this book as the practical project of graduation translation. The translation of popular novels belongs to literary translation, so it is necessary to translate on the basis of accuracy. Try to preserve the flavor of the original text. This coincides with the request of the functional equivalence theory put forward by the American writer Eugene Nida: the core of functional equivalence theory is to emphasize the most appropriate, natural equivalence between the target language and the source language. Paying attention to the feelings of the target readers, hoping to enable the target readers to gain a reading experience similar to that of the original readers. The difficulties in translation practice mainly focus on the cultural connotations. The translator hopes that this practical report can provide some useful solutions to the common problems encountered in the translation of popular novels. The translator finds that in the process of English-to-Chinese 's popular novels, the principle of functional equivalence should be used as the guide to preserve the stylistic features and language styles of the original works to the maximum extent. The translator should try to translate as freely as possible on the basis of checking and understanding the meaning of the word in many ways, if necessary by using the corresponding image or annotated interpretation method in the target language, and adjust the structure of the original sentence in dealing with the long and difficult sentence. The target language translation needs to take into account the character and context of the characters, and the realization of functional equivalence can be ensured by means of free translation, changing the dialogue structure, and so on.


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