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  本文选题:动态系统理论 切入点:二语写作 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:传统的理论把二语习得看作各种因果模式,认为二语学习呈线性发展。但是动态系统理论主张,语言发展既不是单纯的认知心理过程,也不能完全归于社会文化过程,而是“多重环境、多重资源在多层次不断互动的动态过程”(DeBot,Lowie,Verspoor2007:7)。所以其发展轨迹呈非线性,具有不可预测性。动态系统理论主要由四个方面组成:初始状态、非重建平衡态、变异以及非线性(De Bot,Lowie,Verspoor2007:15)。而这些方面正能够描述二语学习者在多方面交互的变量中学习的动态过程。因而,动态系统理论更加适用于描述二语习得的动态性(沈昌洪,2008:65)。写作作为二语学习的活动之一,发展轨迹受到诸如母语、学习环境、语言学能、认知风格等一系列因素的作用,其发展同样是一个非线性的动态过程(陈艳君,2016:49)。而关于二语写作的发展,很多研究者侧重于关注写作过程的认知方面而忽视作者的母语或者第二语言,因此不可避免地缺少发展的动态视角。比如,有些研究会对作者的两种不同的写作模式做出有意义的区分:知识陈述和知识转述,但是它们并没有描述和解释作者在这个写作模式中发展的具体过程(BabaNitta,2014:2)。本文以动态系统理论为指导,选取三名学科教学(英语)专业的研究生(即将成为中小学英语教师)作为研究对象,进行每周两次,为期一个月的定时写作任务跟踪,参与者每完成一篇作文后,再分别从这些方面进行自我反思和自我评价:语法和词汇,组织和表达,内容,写作过程与策略,和上一篇作文的对比,对下一篇作文设定的目标。然后研究者对所有的文本进行分析和预处理,得出每篇文本的语法复杂度和准确度。最后分别用变点分析器,移动极值图法,和文本句子类型、错误类型的数量的百分比堆积柱形图,移动相关关系图,分析参与者的写作文本的语法复杂度,准确度这两个维度各自的发展及其交互影响,借此考察二语写作的变化过程。研究结果显示,三名研究对象在在二语写作过程中的语法复杂度和准确度均显示了较大波动。并且每个人的波动情况都不同:何时、因为何种原因发生的变异或者显著质变也因人而异。即使同一名研究对象在同一题目下写的文章,仍具有较大差别。在实验期内,三人在语法复杂度和准确度方面均有不同程度的进步。变点分析器检测到,参与者周的语法复杂度发生了明显的突变,参与者程在文章准确度发生显著变化,参与者王有波动却没有发生任何显著突变。而在语法复杂度和准确度的相关关系分析中,三名研究对象的两个衡量指标均未呈现显著地相关关系。研究发现,虽然每个人的语法复杂度和准确度的发展路径不一,波动程度不一,但是从更宏观的视角看待,研究对象的写作过程仍有相当的相似性,这种相似的模式不仅被发现在二语写作过程中(SpoelmanVerspoor,2010;Verspoor et al.,2008),而且也出现在母语学习者的口语发展中(Ruhlandvan Geert,1998;van Dijkvan Geert,2007;van Geertvan Diji,2002)。这有助于我们把握二语学习者的写作过程。本研究有三点不足之处:第一,研究时间过短,只有一个月,虽然有两名研究对象的数据发生显著变化,但是仍需要历时更长的数据支撑。第二,本次研究中只对语法复杂度和准确度进行分析,更多维度的发展有待进一步考察。第三,本次研究对象只有三名,更多的研究对象参与,必定会对研究结果有更进一步的启示。
[Abstract]:The traditional theory of the two language acquisition as a causal model, that the two language learning is a linear development. But the dynamic system theory, language development is not a purely cognitive psychological process, can not be completely attributed to the social cultural process, but "multiple environment, dynamic process of multiple resources continue to interact in multiple levels (DeBot, Lowie" so, Verspoor2007:7). Its development path is non-linear and unpredictability. Dynamic system theory mainly consists of four aspects: the initial state, the reconstruction of non equilibrium and nonlinear variation (De Bot, Lowie, Verspoor2007:15). The dynamic process which is able to describe the learning of two language learner interaction in many aspects the variable. Therefore, dynamic dynamic system theory is more suitable for the description of the two language acquisition (Shen Changhong, 2008:65). One of the activities of writing as the two language learning and development by the As a native language, learning environment, language aptitude, cognitive style and a series of factors such as the role of its development is also a nonlinear dynamic process (Chen Yanjun, 2016:49). And on the two language writing development, many researchers pay more attention to the process of writing the cognitive aspects and ignore the author's native language or second language, so inevitably, the lack of dynamic perspective. For example, some of the two different writing patterns on the author make meaningful distinctions: knowledge representation and knowledge of reporting, but they did not specifically describe and explain the development process of the author in this writing mode in (BabaNitta, 2014:2). In this paper, the dynamic system theory a total of three subjects, teaching (English) professional graduate student (will become the primary and secondary school English teachers) as the research object, two times a week, a month long time writing task tracking, Each participant completed a composition, then self reflection and self evaluation from these aspects: vocabulary and grammar, content organization and expression, writing process and strategy, and a comparison of composition, composition for the next target. The researchers then analyzed and pretreatment on all text and that each text grammatical complexity and accuracy. Finally, using the change point analyzer, mobile extremal graph method, and text types of sentences, the percentage error type stacked column chart, moving correlation diagram, analysis of participants' writing text grammatical complexity, the accuracy of the two dimensions of development and influence the interaction with each other, to inspect the two language writing process. The results showed that the three subjects in the process of two language writing grammar in the complexity and accuracy showed large wave. And everyone The fluctuation is different: when, because of what happened or significant variation change. Even if the object also It differs from man to man. with a study on the same topic written, still have bigger difference. During the experiment, three people in grammatical complexity and accuracy are improved with varying degrees. The change point detection analyzer the participants, weeks of grammatical complexity were participants in the process of mutation, accuracy changed significantly, participants Wang did not occur any significant fluctuations in the mutation. Correlation analysis of grammatical complexity and accuracy of the two indicators in three subjects were not significantly related the relationship. The study found that while each of the complicated grammar development path and accuracy by a fluctuation degree, but from a macro perspective, the process of writing the object of study is still considerable The similarity of the same pattern not only to be found in the process of two language writing (SpoelmanVerspoor, 2010; Verspoor et al., 2008), but also in language learners' oral development (Ruhlandvan Geert, 1998; van Dijkvan Geert van Geertvan, 2007; Diji, 2002). This will help us grasp the writing process of two language learners. This study has three limitations: first, study time is too short, only one month, although the data of two subjects have significantly changed, but still need a longer duration of data support. Second, this study only on the grammatical complexity and accuracy analysis, development of more dimensions need further investigation. Third, the object of this research is only three, the research object more involved, there must be further implications for the results of the study.



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