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发布时间:2018-03-14 15:47

  本文选题:记者会 切入点:吉尔的同声传译应对策略选择理论 出处:《外交学院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The "two sessions" held on March each year can be described as the highlight of the annual meeting of the Chinese government. And after the closing ceremony of the "two sessions," the premier answered questions from Chinese and foreign reporters. It was an important platform for China to show its policies and policies in various fields to the general public and the international community. It served as a bridge for on-site exchanges and communication between Chinese and foreign press conferences. Interpreters play a vital role. In their interpretation process, Many factors will bring pressure to the interpreter. This paper is a report on simultaneous interpretation practice, which is based on the case of Premier Li Keqiang's Chinese and foreign press conference after the closing of the fourth session of the 12 National people's Congress. Under the guidance of the translation strategy choice theory, The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter explains the background information and practical significance of the press conference, and introduces the whole context of the paper, the second chapter is the theoretical support of this paper; The third chapter describes the practice of simulated interpretation, including the preparation before translation and the specific operation flow of the simulation practice. As the most critical chapter of this thesis, Chapter 4th analyzes the case text on the basis of the simulation practice. The last chapter is a comprehensive discussion of this paper, that is, to summarize the significance and limitations of this practice.


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