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发布时间:2018-03-15 04:14

  本文选题:建构主义 切入点:言语行为 出处:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Sino-US relations, one of the most important and complex bilateral relations in contemporary international relations, have attracted much attention in today's academic circles. In order to clarify Sino-US relations, we should first understand how the two countries perceive each other. This is because the perception of the objective world and the target country in government decision-making determines the reasons and procedures for the formation of government policy. Many scholars have analyzed the United States' perception of China from the perspectives of public diplomacy, media and history. However, few people start from the angle of government. Therefore, this paper tries to limit the scope of the study from the perspective of government to the cognition of the US administration to China during the period from the Bush administration to the Obama administration. In order to understand the global interests of the United States in 21th century and the starting point of diplomatic decision-making. The text analysis method of qualitative research, combined with the constructivism theory in international relations, This paper compares the perception of the Bush administration with the Obama administration on China by analyzing the official "speech acts". And try to find out the continuity and change of the two governments' perception of China and the reasons through comparison. The original data of the research come from the "speech acts" of the US government, that is, the official documents, and the public speeches of senior officials. Public interviews and so on. This paper not only examines vertically the perception of China from the Bush administration to the Obama administration, but also divides the study into three major issues, namely, security, economy and values. Both are closely linked to the national interests of the United States. Studies have shown that the perception of China by the United States government varies from government to issue. In the area of security, both the Bush administration and the Obama administration regard China as a military competitor. Seeking to challenge the international order established by the United States by modernizing its military; viewing China as a concerted partner in counter-terrorism; but in the fight against climate change, China's image has evolved from a non-partner under George W. Bush to a partner during the Obama period. In the economic field, despite China's formal accession to the World Trade Organization, China and the United States have maintained close trade ties. The volume of trade has also risen year by year, but both governments have seen China as a strong competitor. In the field of values, both governments have seen China as a violation of universal values. Especially the enemies of human rights. This paper finds that there are two reasons behind the changes and continuations. First, the members of the two presidential cabinets hold different ideologies and values and represent diverse positions, thus leading to different perceptions of China. From the perspective of constructivism, when the original rules established by the main actors are challenged by the emerging actors, the main actors will adopt various ways, including reducing or enhancing their cognition of the emerging actors. In order to uphold the rules established by itself and to maximize the benefits. Similarly, the high echelons of the US government have repeatedly stressed through their speech acts that China should conform to the existing international order. It is not difficult to see that the maintenance of the existing international order is an integral part of the question of every American government, and the changes and invariance of the two administrations' perceptions of China are different from those of the need to maintain the international order. In short, In order to understand the changes and continuations of the two administrations' cognition of China, the key lies in the maintenance of ideology and rules.


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