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发布时间:2018-03-15 07:13

  本文选题:重铸反馈 切入点:二语设问能力 出处:《中国外语》2016年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Based on the interaction theory of second language acquisition, this paper takes English interrogative sentences as the target language structure, and adopts the experimental method of pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test. This paper investigates the effect and effect of recast feedback on English questioning ability of English learners in language interaction. By comparing three groups of English learners with different levels of English, it is found that recasting feedback is helpful to English learners. The students in the low level group achieved the upgrading and improvement of their English interrogative ability, but had little effect on the high level group, and the recasting feedback had better short-term effect on the low level group in terms of the quantity and accuracy of the output of the English interrogative sentence, and the effect of recasting feedback on the low level group was better than that of the latter. The study also found that recasting feedback has a delayed effect on the development of L2 competence of middle and advanced level learners. Recasting feedback plays an important role in the acquisition of interrogative sentences of students at different levels. It can promote the students'"step by step" improvement in the output of interrogative sentences and form a "step by step acquisition" development model. Teachers should take into account the learners' existing language proficiency, tolerate the learners who have not made any immediate correction, and pay attention to the long-term effects of their acquisition.
【作者单位】: 山东大学;


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