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发布时间:2018-03-17 17:39

  本文选题:顺应论 切入点:信息类文本 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This is a translation practice report originally published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2016, "Marine plastic debris and Micro Plastics" (Chapter 9th, "screening different measures" and "Assessment and guiding principles for screening measures", respectively. The original text deals mainly with global practices and approaches in the area of marine plastic pollution control, encouraging action and policy adjustment, Protection of the environment. The original excerpt provides short- and long-term solutions to the problems of marine plastic debris and marine micro-litter. The main content of this report is divided into four parts: first, translation of the project introduction, including the background and objectives of the project, Second, the introduction of the original text, including the introduction of the United Nations Environment Programme of the World, the main content of the original text, the structure of the original text, and the analysis of the original text. Adaptation theory and translation methods. Many chemical-related terms, place names and long difficult sentences appear in these two chapters. The main translation methods used in the process of translation are literal translation, incremental translation and subtraction. Syntactic disassembly, etc. 4th, summing up the enlightenment gained in the process of translation and the problems still to be solved.


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