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发布时间:2018-03-18 01:24

  本文选题:中医术语 切入点:翻译等值 出处:《东北财经大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中医是中国辉煌的传统文化之一,中华文化不可或缺的组成部分之一,它是一门涉及人体生理、病理、诊断、治疗和疾病预防的科学。中医为中华人民健康水平的提高、民族的繁荣昌盛及世界医学的丰富及发展做出了巨大的贡献。中医在人们日常生活养生、保健、疾病预防和治疗等方面效果显著,相对西医、西药对抗疗法,中医副作用小和简便廉验的特点使它越来越受到世界医学界的关注。随着经济全球化尤其是高等教育的国际化发展和东南亚及欧美等国家“中医热”的出现,越来越多的海外人士到中国来学习中医。但中医受中国传统文化影响,其术语有这独一无二的特点,对国外人来说是一种异质文化,有着相当的学习难度。为了能够更好的学习中医,在相当长的历史时期内,许多专家、学者在中医的翻译与传播方面做了大量工作。但目前中医理论翻译工作仍有美中不足,一些误译、译文冗长以及术语译文不统一等现象屡见不鲜。这主要是由于缺乏有效、权威的中医翻译指导理论和原则,以及译者本身在语言和医学理论方面的知识欠缺所导致。中医文献翻译的难度,很大程度上源于中医理论与西医理论在语言“层次” (语法、词汇、语音、词形等)和“级阶” (语法结构、句子、短语、词、词素等)的任何一个交叉点上建立对等翻译,加上中西方在文化上存在的巨大差异,使中医理论著作翻译存在很大困难。卡特福德分别从语言的四个基本层次、五个基本级阶深入语言系统内部,触及语言本质探讨翻译问题,分析影响等值翻译的语言单位变量,概括出套相对完整的翻译理论模式,从而使翻译研究更加客观和科学。随着国内外语言翻译理论的不断发展和成熟,越来越多的学者将先进的翻译理论应用于中医英译工作中。然而这些研究者基本可以分为两个派别,一部分是选择纯静态的翻译模式,过于强调译文和原文术语在意义上的完全对应,另一部分则选择顺应的动态翻译模式来指导中医英译,很少有“静”与“动”结合起来,系统地从翻译等值和翻译转换两个理论灵活运用在中医翻译实践中。笔者从翻译等值角度出发,力求科学阐释翻译名家卡特福德如何在翻译过程中实现语言“层次”和“级阶”翻译等值问题,并举例分析中西医术语英译如何在语言“级阶”上实现对等,等值再现原文内容,使译文和原文尽可能达到翻译中的等效。在翻译等值与翻译转换相结合的基础上提出中医术语翻译的一些指导原则和方法。本文采用了定性研究方法,对以下两个方面内容进行研究:第一,语料分析研究,本文选取了三个《黄帝内经》英译本:李照国译本,维斯译本(Veith),吴连胜和吴奇译本为研究对象以及其他中医名著译本和中医药术语词典,根据卡特福德等值翻译理论的语言“层次”和“级阶”两个角度从文本分别筛选出典型中医英译术语,并例证分析如何在翻译中实现翻译等值和翻译转换。第二,从译文中选取等值翻译不能实现原文与译文信息对等的术语和句子,并积极探索其相应的动态的翻译转换模式,如层次转换和范畴转换,并在此基础上提出适合中医理论术语翻译的翻译方法。本文共包括五部分:第一章为前言部分,介绍本文的研究背景、目的、研究的意义以及本文整体结构。第二章为文献综述部分。在本部分中,首先介绍了中医术语的定义和中医术语的特点,简要分析了中医术语翻译存在的主要问题所在,并且回顾了国内外著名翻译名家从不同角度对中医翻译工作所作出的研究情况。第三部分为本文的理论部分。本章分别从翻译等值和翻译转换两个角度介绍了卡特福德翻译理论以及其理论精髓,并简要介绍卡特福德的翻译分类。第四章为卡特福德翻译理论实用性分析部分,作者从翻译等值和翻译转换理论两个维度,分析如何将卡氏翻译论应用于中医术语翻译中。然后在卡特福德翻译理论视角下,提出中医术语翻译指导原则,即简洁性、自然性、文化性、一致性和科学性。最后,笔者结合翻译等值于翻译转换理论,提出八种适合中医术语翻译的策略:音译、直译、借用、词素翻译及直译、音译、词素翻译分别相结合,最后在翻译转换理论的指导下提出中医术语意译翻译方法。第五章为本文的总结部分。首先作者对本文进行归纳与总结,提出本文的研究发现,其次指出本文存在的缺陷与不足,并为今后在此课题上的进一步研究提出建议。本研究的创新之处在于:第一,将卡特福德翻译理论应用于中医术语翻译研究中,并以《黄帝内经》以及中医术语词典为语料库。第二,将翻译等值论与翻译转换理论静动结合,同时应用于中医术语翻译中。第三,通过翻译转换的具体应用将意译方法具体化,为中医术语翻译方法提供可靠的参考依据和标准。
[Abstract]:Chinese medicine is one of the splendid traditional culture Chinese, an indispensable part of Chinese culture, it is a course involving human physiology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of TCM science. For the people's health level, and the national medicine thriving and prosperous world of the rich and made great contribution to the development of Chinese medicine in the. People's daily life and health, health care, disease prevention and treatment effect significantly, relative to western medicine, western medicine against the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, the side effect is small and simple inexpensive test to make it more and more attention by the medical profession in the world. Along with the economic globalization, especially the emergence of the internationalization of higher education and the development of Southeast Asia and Europe and other countries "of Chinese medicine", more and more foreign people come to study Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine China but influenced by the traditional culture of Chinese, the term is the one and only the characteristics of foreign people That is a kind of culture, there is the difficulty of learning. In order to study Chinese medicine, many experts in a long historical period, and scholars have done a lot of work in the translation and dissemination of Chinese medicine. But the theory of TCM translation work there are still some mistranslations in want of perfection, and the long term It is often seen. the translation is not uniform. This phenomenon is mainly due to the lack of effective and authoritative Chinese translation theories and principles, as well as the lack of the translator in the language and medical theory knowledge. In TCM translation difficulty, largely due to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine theory in language "level" (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation form, etc.) and "rank" (grammatical structure, sentences, phrases, words, morphemes, etc.) of any point of intersection to establish equivalence, great differences exist in the West and in culture, the The theory of traditional Chinese medicine translation is very difficult. Carter Fuld respectively from the four basic levels of language, the five basic steps into a language system, touch the essence of language translation study, analysis of the influence of language unit of translation equivalence variables, summed up the set of relatively complete translation theory, so as to make the translation research more objective and scientific. With the continuous development of the domestic and foreign language translation theory and mature, more and more scholars have advanced translation theory applied to TCM translation work. However, these researchers can be divided into two factions, one part is the choice of pure static translation mode, too much emphasis on the translation and the original term full correspondence in meaning. The other part is the dynamic translation mode choice and adaptation to guide the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine, there are few "static" and "dynamic" combine systematically from translation equivalence and translation transformation Two the theory of flexible use in TCM translation practice. The author from the perspective of translation equivalence, and strive to scientific explanation of translators in the translation process, Carter how to realize the language "level" and "rank" translation equivalence, and an example analysis of English language in the language of Chinese and Western medicine to "rank" to achieve equivalence, equivalence reproduction of the original content, make the translation and the original as much as possible to achieve equivalence in translation. In the translation equivalence and translation based on a combination of some guiding principles and methods of traditional Chinese medicine terminology translation. This paper uses qualitative research methods to study the following two aspects: first, analysis of the corpus, this paper selected three < Neijing > English version of Li Zhaoguo's version, Weiss's Version (Veith), Wu Liansheng and Wu Qi's translation as the research object and other traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine terminology masterpiece translation dictionary, According to the two aspects of Carter Fuld equivalence translation theory language "level" and "rank" from the text selected the typical English translation of TCM terminology, and examples of analysis of how the translation to achieve equivalence in translation and translation. Second, selection of translation equivalence cannot achieve translation equivalence of information terms and sentences from the text. And actively explore the corresponding dynamic translation, such as the hierarchical category conversion and conversion, and puts forward the appropriate translation methods of terminology translation of TCM theory. This paper consists of five parts: the first chapter is the preface, introduces the research background, purpose, significance and the overall structure of the second chapter. The part of literature review. In this part, firstly introduces the definition and terminology of Chinese medicine TCM characteristics, briefly analyzes the main problems existing in the translation of TCM terms, It also reviews the research situation at home and abroad famous translators from different angles on the translation work made. The third part is the theoretical part of this paper. This chapter from the translation equivalence and translation in two aspects introduced Carter Fuld translation theory and its theoretical essence, classification and translation. The fourth chapter briefly introduces Catford to Carter Ford practical translation theory analysis part, the author from the two dimensions of translation equivalence and translation theory, to analysis how the card's translation theory to the translation of TCM terms. Then Carter Ford translation theory visual angle, put forward the translation of TCM terms guiding principles, namely simplicity, nature, culture, and consistency scientific. Finally, the author combines translation equivalence in translation theory, put forward eight kinds of TCM terminology translation strategies: transliteration, literal translation, borrowing, morpheme translation and literal, audio Translation, morpheme translation combined respectively, finally in the translation under the guidance of the theory of TCM terminology translation translation methods. The fifth chapter is the conclusion part of this paper. Firstly, the author summarized and summed up in this paper, the study found, then points out the defects of the existing and shortcomings, and puts forward some suggestions for further research on this topic the innovation of this research lies in: first, the translation theory applied to the study of Carter's translation of TCM terms, and to "Neijing > and TCM terminology dictionary as a corpus. Second, the translation will be combined with static and dynamic equivalence and translation theory, and applied to the translation of TCM terms. By third. The specific application of translation translation methods will be specific, to provide a reliable reference and standard for TCM terminology translation method.



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