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发布时间:2018-03-20 06:50

  本文选题:反思性教学 切入点:初中 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, the society has put forward higher requirements for the talents needed, especially in the context of the globalization and modernization of the world economy. English is becoming more and more important in our country. With the further development of reflective teaching research in the world, many domestic scholars have made a lot of useful explorations on reflective teaching. Reflective teaching is that the main body of teaching constantly explores and solves the problems of itself and teaching purpose and teaching tools by means of action research, and unifies "learning to teach" and "learning to learn". In order to improve the rationality of teaching practice so as to make oneself become a scholarly teacher, reflective teaching takes inquiry and solution of teaching problems as the basic point, and teachers focus on solving the problems existing in teaching. In the process of solving the problem, the teaching process is optimized so as to achieve better teaching benefits. The present study takes questionnaire and interview as the main means and 50 English teachers as the research objects. The questionnaire of reflective teaching status of English teachers in junior high school is based on Li Zen and Xu Jinfen's reflective scale of Chinese college teachers. The questionnaire includes six dimensions: practice, cognition, emotion, criticism, etc. Moral and classroom Management. What are the reflective teaching conditions of English teachers in junior high school? 2) and the factors that affect the teachers' reflection in this survey? What is the effect of reflective teaching on the professional development of teachers investigated? Through the analysis of questionnaire data and interview information, it is found that the overall reflective teaching situation of junior middle school English teachers is optimistic, and they all reflect on it to varying degrees. Moral and classroom management is the most reflective. But in cognitive, critical and emotional aspects of reflection is generally, especially in the development of teaching and research, while the practice of reflection is the least, They are reluctant to reflect on it in a written way. There are many factors that cause such a situation. First of all, age, seniority, academic qualifications and class hours will all have an impact, in addition to time. Teachers' perceptions and the effects of reflection also have a lot to do with it. Teachers who have a good reflective status quo are between 30 and 40 years of age, teaching for more than 10 years. Many teachers think that there is not enough time to reflect on the preparation of classes, and they do not realize the importance of reflection. In the end, they think that reflection can not be seen in a short period of time, so they seldom reflect. However, after reflection, the English teachers in junior high school improve their ability to solve the problems in teaching. Also improve the quality of teaching, so that they have been developed, to promote their own professional development.


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