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发布时间:2018-03-21 02:23

  本文选题:物质过程 切入点:非标记性时态 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As the founder and aggregator of systemic functional linguistics, Halliday has made great contributions to the development of systemic functional linguistics and even linguistics as a whole. Previous researchers have questioned and verified the hypothesis of the non-markedness tense of Halliday and the process of physical matter from different theoretical angles. The systemic functional Linguistics also thinks that the theory is reasonable. The correctness and interpretation of the theory must be tested in the use of real language. Therefore, this paper is based on realistic corpus. The unmarked tense of material process is investigated from the perspective of the category of verbs in the system and the context of the discourse outside the system. This paper adopts the method of combining quantitative and qualitative studies. Firstly, the relevant parties are classified according to the text classification. It collects all kinds of textual texts as corpus. The material clauses in each type of text are annotated and statistics are made to make the material clauses in each type of text reach 1000 each, with a total of 5000 small corpuscles. Then according to the Vendler verb theory, the material clauses in the corpus are classified and coded, and then the corpus retrieval tool AntConc and the data processing tool Excel are used to obtain and process the data. Finally, the statistical data results are analyzed and discussed. The study shows that the unmarked tense of material process is not only Halliday's present continuous tense, but also is influenced by the type of discourse, because of the difference of the verb itself and the influence of the text type. And we can't generalize. And the non-markative tense of the material process is not a black or white, or a matter of either, It is a continuum problem. There are differences in the material process of each kind of verb and the unmarked tense continuum of the material process in various types of discourse. The unmarked tense of the material process of the active verb is a continuum composed of the general present tense and the general past tense as the unmarked tense end, the future perfect tense as the marked tense end and other tenses in the intermediate transitional zone. Objective verbs, achievement verbs and state verbs are similar to each other in the unmarked tenses of the material process, all of which are from the general past tense and the general present tense to the unmarked tense. At the discourse type level, the unmarked tense of the material process in the narrative is at the end of the general present tense. A continuum consisting of a segment of the marked tense and other tenses in the middle zone; the unmarked tense continuum of material processes in descriptive and reporting texts is at the end of the general present tense and the general past tense. The future perfect tense is formed by one end of the marked tense and other tenses of the intermediate transitional zone; the unmarked tense continuum of the discourse and argumentation is the unmarked tense end of the general present tense. The present study is based on the corpus and the Halliday material process theory, which is based on the corpus and Halliday material process theory, to the causes of the unmarked tenses of the material process on the basis of the future progressive tense and the complete progressive tense as one end of the markative tense and other tenses in the intermediate transition zone. She made a thorough analysis. A more comprehensive and effective criterion for judging the unmarked tenses of material processes is proposed, which is useful for the verification and supplement of Halliday's viewpoint of non-marked tenses of material processes, and also proves the verification of linguistic theories by corpus-based research methods. Perfection is of great significance.


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