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发布时间:2018-03-21 16:57

  本文选题:外交新闻 切入点:翻译策略、方法和技巧 出处:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本论文以作者在西安外国语大学外交部英文网站新闻翻译项目组参与过的翻译实践为基础,选取2013年11月至2016年3月发表于该网站Top Stories板块的英译新闻作为语料,从中筛选出典型的四字格作为研究对象,以目的论为理论框架,以外交部网站新闻翻译的特点为参照,以实现外交新闻对外宣传为总目标,探寻了四字格英译的种种具体而又行之有效的方法。研究过程中,作者采用了多种研究方法,包括文献研究法、数据分析法、分类法、比较法、例证法、归纳法等,以期能对研究对象进行深入的探讨,从而发现合理而有效的翻译方法。经过一系列的探究,作者发现,在目的论的指导下,外交新闻译员可以将归化与异化、直译与意译、以及省略法和综合法结合起来——具体来讲,就翻译策略而言,为实现宣传中国政府立场和宣扬中国传统文化这两个目的,译员应以归化为主,异化为辅;就翻译方法而言,在这两个目的指引下,译员应以直译为主,意译为辅;另外,为达到信息传递效果,译员还可以根据具体语境灵活采用诸如省略法、综合法等翻译技巧,来为外交新闻对外宣传的总目标服务。希望本文能够为外交新闻翻译者提供一些有用的四字格翻译方面具体可行的方法参考。
[Abstract]:In this paper the author translation translation practice in Xi'an International Studies University Ministry of foreign affairs website news English project group participated in the basis of the translation of news from November 2013 to March 2016 published in the website of Top Stories plate as the data, selected four typical character from as a research object, based on Skopostheorie, with characteristics of diplomacy the website of the Ministry of news translation for reference, in order to achieve the publicity of foreign news for the overall objective to explore the method of all kinds of concrete and four words Geying translation effective. During the study, the author adopts a variety of research methods, including literature research, data analysis, classification, comparison, exemplification and induction etc., in order to carry out in-depth discussion of the research object, so as to find a reasonable and effective translation methods. After a series of research, the author found that, under the guidance of Skopos theory, new diplomacy The smell of the interpreter can be domestication and foreignization, literal translation and free translation, and omit method and comprehensive method combining -- specifically, translation strategy, publicity Chinese government position and promote these two purposes China traditional culture for the implementation of the interpreter should priority to domestication and foreignization as; translation methods, in these two purposes under the guidance of the interpreter to the literal translation, free translation as a supplement; in addition, in order to achieve the effect of information transmission, the interpreter can also be used flexibly according to the specific context such as ellipsis, comprehensive translation skills, to serve the overall goal is foreign news propaganda foreign. I hope this article can provide some useful translation method of four character specific feasible reference for foreign news translator.



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