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发布时间:2018-03-22 11:15

  本文选题:委婉语 切入点:概念隐喻 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As a common linguistic phenomenon and linguistic means, euphemism has been observed and studied by scholars from many aspects, but the research focuses on semantics, pragmatics and sociolinguistics. With the rise and development of cognitive linguistics, some of these theories have also been used to study and interpret euphemisms. Metaphor and metonymy are no longer seen as mere rhetorical devices, but rather as the way people think. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyze and explain the cognitive mechanism of euphemism from the perspective of conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy. Using conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy theory, this paper makes a cognitive study of Chinese and English French euphemisms. The main findings of the study are that conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy are the cognitive mechanisms of Chinese and English French euphemisms. Both of them have the functions of highlighting the positive meaning and hiding the negative aspect meaning, both of which can give a reasonable meaning construction and understanding of the English and Chinese euphemism. The cognitive basis of euphemism in Chinese and English is the similarity association between source domain and target domain which exists in people's conceptual system. The result of analysis of typical euphemism. It shows that we must not fully explain the cognitive mechanism of euphemism in terms of conceptual metaphor or conceptual metonymy. It is necessary to combine the two in order to be fully explained and understood. Through the analysis and comparison, the study also found that human cognitive style has the commonness based on the same objective world and the same body experience. Chinese and English euphemisms have many similar cognitive motivations. Of course, Chinese and English euphemisms also show some differences. This difference comes from the influence of the cultural background and the way of thinking of different nationalities on cognition. This paper studies the cognitive mechanism of euphemism in Chinese, English and French on the basis of cognitive linguistics. This study is helpful for people to grasp the meaning construction of euphemism under conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy theory and promote people to understand the thinking mode and cognitive mechanism behind English and Chinese euphemism.


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