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发布时间:2018-03-22 12:11

  本文选题:外语教学 切入点:文化教学 出处:《延安大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The phenomenon of "Chinese cultural aphasia" has been put forward since 2000. (from the beginning of 2000, the class of foreign language teaching has come to realize that attention should not only be paid to the introduction of the target language culture, but also to the explanation of the mother tongue culture. In practical teaching, students are strengthening the awareness of the motherland. There are some problems in patriotism. Many students tend to "admire foreign countries" in the study of English courses. Think that western culture is superior to Chinese culture. Where does the problem of students' weak sense of motherland and patriotism come from? Classroom teaching is the most intuitive link in the process of foreign language teaching. It is an important source of students' understanding of foreign language and its culture in the basic education stage. And the differences in content, degree and time used in the introduction of Chinese and Western culture in the course of classroom teaching. The research mainly includes the following steps: first, exploring the causes of students advocating western culture and neglecting Chinese culture. Secondly, through the questionnaire survey and interview, we can find out how teachers understand the role of Chinese and Western culture in foreign language teaching and whether they can master the methods of culture teaching. Through classroom observation, the author mainly records how the teacher interprets the Chinese and Western cultures in terms of content and the time used in the two different cultures. The conclusions are as follows: first, Teachers can not fully understand the role of Chinese and Western culture in foreign language teaching. Students' understanding of western culture can deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and reduce the errors in intercultural communication. Teachers do not fully grasp the methods and principles of cultural teaching. In foreign language teaching, by comparing different cultures, students can understand the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, enhance their cultural sensitivity, and ultimately promote the improvement of intercultural communicative competence. Teachers' explanation of cultural content can not meet the requirement of cultural consciousness in English Curriculum Standard (experiment) of Senior High School. In the supplementary cultural content, teachers generally supplement the excellent culture of western countries. The explanation of mother tongue culture involves some Chinese social problems, so that students can not fully understand western culture, optimize western culture and degrade Chinese culture. Finally, According to the research results, the author puts forward the corresponding teaching suggestions. Through the investigation and research, there is a certain supplement to the senior high school English teaching in theory and practice.


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