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发布时间:2018-03-22 12:40

  本文选题:英语奇幻文学 切入点:《哈利波特与死亡圣器》 出处:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Nowadays, fantasy literature has become one of the most popular literary genres for readers all over the world, and the exchange of fantasy literature between countries in different languages is increasing day by day. The translation of fantasy literature plays an important role in this. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows are the final works of the series of fantasy novels, based on the translation practice in chapters I, II and III of the book. The author analyzes several important and difficult problems in the process of translation: the translation of colloquial words and written words, the translation of culture-loaded words, and the translation of culture-loaded words. The translation report also explores the translation strategies taken in response to the above problems: attention to the use of modal words in the translation of colloquial words, the combination of context, character identity and character in the translation of written words, The methods of literal translation, transliteration, free translation, transliteration plus free translation are adopted in translating culture-loaded words. The paper also analyzes the author's translation and the original translation of the people's Literature Publishing House, points out the inadequacies of this translation, and provides some suggestions for the future translation of similar texts.


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